Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1916: Ancient Monster Beast Corpse

"Do not!!"

With Ji Yining yelled, You Yuan still blew the Royal Beast Flute.

A weird, sharp flute sound, just like from ancient times, full of a smell of death, and then it spread out in all directions.

When the voice rang out, everyone could only feel that within a kilometer of a radius, there was a breath of silence.

This kind of breath enveloped everyone's hearts and turned into a gloomy smell of death, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Feeling the pressure of this kind of breath, Xiao Yu suddenly had a kind of being in the tomb, and at the same time seeing the scene of a thousand grave coffins.

The only difference is that the thousand grave coffins at that time, although they were a little bit of life, were almost always enveloped by the air of death.

But this time? As if from a distant place, an uncle's "life and death" came.

The so-called vitality of death is impressively the strength of vitality, but the dominant force is still death.

This weird feeling made Xiao Yu feel that the crisis was constantly invading.

But at this moment, the whole land suddenly vibrated slightly.


Xiao Yu and Ji Yining turned their heads abruptly, and they suddenly discovered that the vibrations from the ground actually came from under the ground thousands of meters away.

This movement is like something breaking through.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, his heart and soul widened. With his soul realm cultivation, he had already felt dozens of faint auras, and he was moving toward this side at the speed of thunder and lightning.

The ground was shaking more and more, so that the battle between Gu Zhou and You Zheng was immediately separated temporarily.

Gu Zhou looked horrified, and said, "Could it be..."

Ji Yining and Li Wei's faces were pale, as if they thought of the massacre initiated by the You family three hundred years ago.

At this moment, there was a "boom", and suddenly something broke out of the ground several hundred meters away from them, and the figure jumped up to ten meters high, like a fixed eye, it was actually a body-shaped foot. It is as large as five meters, skinny, four-legged monster like a wolf.

The head of this monster beast was almost skinny, and it was as if there were only rows of bones wrapped in a skin.

However, the most weird thing is that the eyes of these monster beasts show a kind of monster blood red.

"The corpse of the ancient monster beast!" Li Wei and others exclaimed.


The corpse of the monster beast that broke through the ground suddenly screamed, stern and sharp, with a **** stern in the depth, and then rushed towards Xiao Yu and the others.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, shadows burst out of the ground in the distance, like new sprouts, propped up the surface of the soil and reborn in place.

In just ten seconds, the corpses of monster beasts in succession all climbed underground, or flew out of the ground, or jumped out, under the count, there were countless corpses of monsters.

The corpses of these monster beasts were all hideous, with the largest body reaching tens of meters, and the smallest being ten meters.

The terrifying breath of death, as they broke through the ground, enveloped a kilometer.

Although it is daytime, it is shrouded in the breath of middle age and death. This mid-air is shrouded by a kind of cloud.


"Boom boom boom!"

Fifty corpses of ancient monster beasts rushed towards Xiao Yu and the others in a ferocious, cruel, and hideous posture.

"This... these monster corpses were sealed three hundred years ago!" Ajie was terrified, his face pale.

The corpses of the ancient monster beasts were far more brutal than the barbarians of the ancient continent, and the powerhouses of each side, and the most important thing was that there were more.

Three hundred years ago, the ancient history books of Tomb Western Region recorded that it was these brutal corpses of ancient monsters that caused half of the people of Tomb Western Region to be killed!

And now, You Yuan actually used the Royal Beast Flute to repeat the scene three hundred years ago to history.


You Yuan laughed three times, his eyes showed a ferocious and excited posture when he saw dozens of corpses of monsters from a distance leaping over.

"Kill them for me! I want them to know who the master of Tomb Western Region is!!!"

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