Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1917: Reproduce the scene three hundred years ago

Ji Yining, Gu Zhou, Li Wei and others had already gathered by Xiao Yu's side.

Ji Yining's thoughts were silent, his face was as gray as death, and Gu Zhou and the others were pale, and a sense of powerlessness was suddenly urging.

Three hundred years ago, the ancestors of the You family summoned fifty corpses of the ancient monster beasts, but their willpower was not strong enough. The fifty corpses of the ancient monster beasts were almost out of control. Buried under the ground with the Royal Beast Flute.

But at that time, because of this, the ancestors of the You family and the ancestors of the Ji family paid the price of their lives.

Just because it would cost too much to seal the corpses of these ancient monster beasts.

Yes, the ancestors of the Ji family have paid the blood and life as the price.

Why is there such a scene?

The reason is simple, just because the power of the corpses of these ancient monster beasts is really terrifying.

Under Xiao Yu's spiritual sense, he found that these monster corpses were all fifth-level monsters! The strength is comparable to the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

What is this concept?

This is the silver coffin equivalent of fifty Ji's family!

Although the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Good Fortune Realm are a watershed, the Good Fortune Realm can definitely resist fifty masters of the Heavenly Spirit Realm without a single blow, because there are too many of them.

It is hard to imagine that these monster corpses with only five levels of existing strength, tens of thousands of years ago, at the time of the Ancient Continent Era, what level of their strength reached?

You know, the ancient continent, ten thousand years ago, was a plane in the seventy-two great heavens.

Since it is a high-level plane, the lowest monster beast cultivation base is a seventh-level monster!

And these ancient monster beasts can still retain a little vitality under the sinking of ten thousand years. How can they be as simple as a seven-level monster in front of them?

Xiao Yu couldn't imagine the horror of these monster beasts, but he could imagine that, once the corpses of these monster beasts were not well controlled, it would be equivalent to a collective attack of fifty powerful heavenly spirit realms. How could the graves of the Western Region not be destroyed?

May I ask, as the domain master, how could the Ji family see such a thing happen?

Because the impact and deterrence of fifty ancient monster beast corpses were too terrifying, they had to force the Ji family's ancestors to take action.

It is precisely because of these painful experiences that have happened in history that Ji Yining is so excited and so angry to stop You Yuan.

At this time, the local citizens and cultivators of the entire western region of the grave had already devoted all their attention to the place of the domain master's mansion.

Almost everyone in the Western Region of the Tomb knew about the notifications for the last three days under the You Family.

Strictly speaking, the native people of the Western Regions of Tomb are the descendants of the barbarians of the ancient continent, but the Ji family and You family are much higher than their bloodlines.

The entire Tomb Western Region was originally a whole, and the struggle between the Ji family and the You family had been going on for a long time.

They don't want to see this scene, but there is no way, what should happen is still happening.

From afar, the many cultivators standing on the roof saw a corpse of large or small and full of death moving towards the square of the Ji family, their faces turned pale.

"This...this is the corpse of the ancient monster beast!?"

"How is it possible...three hundred years of things, is it going to reappear?"

"You Yuan...this time is bound to destroy the Ji family!!"

These practitioners exclaimed one after another, and at the same time they began to worry in their hearts.

What they worry about is whether You Yuan can control these monster corpses?

You know, three hundred years ago, your ancestors were killed because of this!

"Look at You Yuan!"


However, when they cast their eyes on You Yuan from a distance, they suddenly gasped.

"You Yuan is using the power of blood!"

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