Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1920: First, the leader of the ancient wolf cavalry! (on)

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

It was an ancient giant in bronze armor.

The difference is that there is a totem of wolf head in the chest cavity of this armor. Although it has been buried in the land for so long, it still does not lose a majestic and violent posture in it.

This ancient corpse held a short-handled machete in his hand. The whole body of the blade was black, and the blade was silvery white, and it was very wide. It widened from the position of the handle, just like a giant jade ruler. .

Seeing this burly figure, everyone in the distance exclaimed--

"Could this be the leader of the ancient wolf cavalry!"

"Can't go wrong! This is the wolf cavalry! The leader who is good at controlling the ancient monster beast!"

Those cultivators are all excited.

For them, it is very difficult to see the golden coffin, because only the domain owner will start it when it encounters danger or life and death.

Moreover, even if it is a stimulus, it cannot be imposed in front of outsiders.

Such a mighty and extraordinary scene, even if Xiao Yu saw it, he couldn't help but wonder.

Although this wolf cavalry gave him a breath that was not as good as the bloodhoof of the Bull Head Chieftain in the Ten Directions, which one of the golden coffins was not mighty and unyielding, and which one did not dominate one party ten thousand years ago!

Only after death, there is only a little remnant soul and life, and there is not much left in the cultivation base before it will be driven.

Otherwise, with the status and strength of the wolf cavalry leader and the tauren chieftain, who can control them?

Perhaps only the mighty one who destroyed the plane of the ancient continent with one blow?


Ji Yunzhuo let out a sigh, his eyes flashed out, his aura suddenly rose, and there was a kind of strategizing general in it.


Ji Yunzhuo's actions immediately gave Gu Zhou and Li Wei a lot of morale.

The descendants of the ancient continent are proud, and they are all people of the descendants of the ancient continent. Therefore, there is a primitive ancient war will in the blood.

At this moment, their fighting spirit, that kind of desperate attitude was immediately ignited.


At the same time, Ji Yunzhuo's order, the wolf cavalry leader's eyes flashed with blood, and his roar, the deafening voice immediately rang away, like a huge mountain falling into a lake.

When the fifty monsters with ancient corpses heard this roar, their eyes suddenly dimmed.

That was the wrath of the wolf cavalry leader who existed in his own soul and came from the ancient times. That was the shock from a kind of majesty!

"You Yuan, if you are stubborn and go your own way, I will kill you even if the jade is burned!" Ji Yunzhuo roared with thunder, and a terrifying aura fell from the sky.

His triple coercion of the good fortune realm is indeed very terrifying, not only him, but also the movements of the ancient corpses he summoned are all slowed down.

You Yuan gritted his teeth and roared: "Ji Yunzhuo, do you think we still have a way back? Come on! Kill them!"

After all, You Yuan played the flute again. This time, the sound of the flute was more rapid, sharp, and faster.

The invisible sound waves were all submerged into the bodies of the fifty ancient monster beast corpses under the infiltration of You Yuan's almost crazy bloodline power.

The eyes of the fifty monster beast corpses became more scarlet, and the murderous intent was even more frenzied. They could no longer care about any coercion or soul suppression, and they all besieged like moths fighting a fire.

"Crazy! You Yuan is going crazy! His blood-stimulating power! It will inevitably cause irreversible trauma! Is he really necessary?"

All the cultivators in the distance were moved.

"You Yuan is desperate to die and fulfill the wishes of his ancestors. Moreover, after the Ji family is destroyed, the tomb is theirs. At that time, You Yuan will restore his cultivation base and have a tomb as a yardstick. Which force will not favor him?"

Those cultivators didn't understand at all, what kind of power was in power that drove Yu Yuan to remain so crazy.

Ji Yunzhuo stomped out, angrily rushed into the sky, and said awe-inspiringly: "It's stubborn! Even if I die, Ji Yunzhuo won't let you succeed!"



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