Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1921: First, the leader of the ancient wolf cavalry! (under)

When it was said that it was too late, all the corpses of more than fifty monster beasts swarmed over, and countless ghastly death energies rolled toward the middle.

The leader of the wolf cavalry roared, and he was the first to attack. His wide knife was very terrifying, and his hands moved out in turns. Several ancient monster corpses were immediately divided.

The two giant corpses controlled by Gu Zhou and Li Wei were not to be outdone. The axe and machete in their hands rotated wildly.

Gu Zhou, Li Wei and other guards also joined the battle, not to mention Ji Yunzhuo, his target is directly You Yuan.

"You Yuan!!"

Ji Yunzhuo's eyes flashed with **** light, and a long knife appeared after his hand.

The whole body of the long knife showed a silver and black color, with an ancient pattern in it. As soon as the long knife came out, a deep ancient and gloomy atmosphere was of course swept out.

Top grade spirit weapon!

"Domain master's black shadow sword!" The casual repairs in the distance were amazed.

High-grade spirit weapons were originally not common, even in the seven sects, they existed like treasures, but now, this black shadow war knife is the only one in the western region of the grave!

With the golden coffin, the black shadow cutting knife, and Ji Yunzhuo's triple strength of Good Fortune Realm from retreat, isn't this a battle of life and death in this state?

Once this knife appeared, it showed Ji Yunzhuo's majestic aura, and there was a posture in which he was a man who was in charge of a man.

Although the Ji family is known for controlling golden coffins, there is no doubt that everyone is a powerful cultivator, and the golden coffins are only their auxiliary means.

This auxiliary method is like establishing a soul contract with a demon pet and summoning it to fight.

But is it so easy to establish a contract with a demon pet?

First, it is difficult to find a suitable monster beast, which is innate and can evolve.

Because only monsters that are inherently powerful can evolve.

Once the contract is established, it cannot be easily replaced.

Therefore, it is not easy to refine the beast soul without finding the exact and determined monster beast.

But having said that, it is also very difficult to find the most suitable high-rank monster cub.

Because basically either the maternal body is guarding, or there are powerful monster beasts around it.

Therefore, for so long, few demon pets can be summoned to fight.

Xiao Yu didn't know the reason before, but now he knows it.

Relatively speaking, the level of monster beasts in Zongmen World is too low, especially those forces in the hinterland, are unwilling to bet their lifelong monster beast partners here.

Therefore, this kind of corpse resembling a monster beast partner directly entered the eyes of many people.

However, even the bronze corpse cannot be easily tamed by anyone.

Back to the battlefield.

Seeing Ji Yunzhuo slaying towards You Yuan, You Yuan's expression was furious, and at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed out from behind You Yuan, and the palms that overwhelmed him like a giant mountain blasted over.

Ji Yunzhuo's face was stunned, and the powerful offensive contained energy that was not weaker than his.


He punched it out, and a vertical spatial ripple appeared in the air. His figure was immediately forced back tens of meters.

You Yuan still had that dark shadow, and also retreated violently.

"Ji Yunzhuo, long time no see."

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