Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1948: I have his handle

Just when Xiao Yu was about to leave, who knew, Bloodhoof gave him a soul connection.

Under normal circumstances, because the blood hoof is just a trace of remnant soul, his consciousness was inspired by Xiao Yu.

At the same time, the corpse of the ancient times was always asleep, if there is no special secret method to stimulate it, it is like an ice sculpture, without any combat effectiveness.

However, it was the first time for Bloodhoof to contact him on the initiative!

Xiao Yu certainly knew that such a scenario would only occur under extreme circumstances.

And the appearance of such a situation shows one thing, that is, Bloodhoof has important things to tell him, and he deliberately made this call when he knew he was leaving the Western Region of the Tomb.

In short, it is related to the Western Regions of Tomb.

Or to be more specific, maybe it has something to do with the tomb.

"take me to……"

Bloodhoof only made this vague voice of consciousness, but Xiao Yu already knew what to do.

Several people were wondering why Xiao Yu would not leave, secretly between the differences, Xiao Yu said: "Master Ji, I want to go to the grave."

Ji Yunzhuo and the others were very surprised, but did not refuse.

"Xiao Yu, then he..." Ji Yining suddenly looked at Luo Yi.

The latter had a cold face and said nothing.

Luo Yi was already considered a demon, it was not deep, but in any case, keeping him would be a disaster.

"Let him go." Xiao Yu's eyes were calm and he waved his hand.

Now that Xiao Yu spoke, Ji Yunzhuo and the others didn't say anything.

Luo Yi was extremely surprised.

Although he told them about the demons, he didn't think he could get Xiao Yu's forgiveness.

Luo Yi's eyes were cold, and he suddenly turned around, staggering and leaving Ji's house.

After Luo Yi left Ji's house, a figure greeted him, and when he fixed his eyes, it was Zhong Xiajie.

Seeing Zhong Xiajie, Luo Yi's face became more and more cold, and he said solemnly: "Do you still dare to come?"

Luo Yi and the others had such a result. To a certain extent, this person is responsible for it.

Because it was Zhong Xiajie who told You Yuan that their golden coffin had fallen into Xiao Yu's hands, it was a catalyst for You Yuan and the others to speed up their plan to ban the Ji family.

But what Luo Yi hates even more is that since Zhong Xiajie told You Yuan and their golden coffin about the activation of Chief Bull Head, why did he not tell them the power of Chief Bull Head at the same time! ?

Because if you tell them, maybe Luo Yi and Batu will be prepared for the trip to the Southern Clouds, and maybe those demons can send more people over.

Then, if the incident in the Southern Cloud Region is successful, the Western Region of the Tomb will be backed by the Southern Cloud Region. In this way, how could the Blood Refining Sect be destroyed? How could his elder brother die? How could he end up like a bereaved dog?

Zhong Xiajie's face was very gloomy. At that time, Xiao Yu fought all the strong, and he was also watching the scene from a distance.

To be honest, the speed of Xiao Yu's growth has greatly exceeded his expectations.

In the end, it was Xiao Yu again, who turned the tide, saved the Ji family, and destroyed the You family and Blood Refining Sect.

And his revenge plan has also been ruined.

If you are in the mood, no one is heavy with him, and no one wants to kill Xiao Yu even more.

"This incident is not my fault, but we all underestimated Xiao Yu. Moreover, I didn't know that the golden coffin would be so powerful at the time. It has nothing to do with me. And don't forget, This incident is already your Southern Cloud Region incident, but you blame me?" Zhong Xiajie said coldly.

Luo Yi was furious: "Boy, do you want to die? I can kill you now!"

After all, Luo Yi just rushed over.

Zhong Xiajie said awe-inspiringly: "What about you killing me? Can your blood refiners be resurrected? Don't forget, you are not the only ones who want Xiao Yu to die! My grandfather was killed by him too! I can't wait to eat him. Meat!"

"It is your thing!"

"No! It's our business! You just told me, is it true that the devil cultivator's business is true?" Zhong Xiajie stared at Luo Yi.

When the clock Xia Jie was near Ji’s house, he urged some kind of eavesdropping technique, so he heard what Luo Xi, You Yuan and the others said. It can be said that he knew that the group of people actually took refuge in Cultivation. Who is shocked.

But what was even more shocking to him was what they said about the impending chaos in the sect world.

"Neither you nor I can intervene in this matter! I can't wait for Xiao Yu and them to die without a place to bury them! If you don't want to die, go back to your family!" Luo Yi was furious and disdainful.

For Xiao Yu, he didn't mean to submit at all. He hated even more for the demons.

One directly killed his elder brother, and the other indirectly made him a bereaved dog.

"What if I say there is Xiao Yu's handle?"

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