Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1949: Desperado

Zhong Xiajie's lips moved immediately, Luo Yi listened, staring at Zhong Xiajie, and said, "Are you sure this is useful?"

"Of course," Zhong Xiajie said with a gloomy expression, "Since he is in the first year of junior high school, then I will do the fifteenth! Don't you say that the world of the sect is about to be in chaos? If so, we will not take refuge in either side! Just look at them. Fighting ghosts will hurt both!"

"Huh! Do you really think so? Haven't you heard of the battle a thousand years ago? According to my guess, it is impossible for the world of Zongmen to withstand the world of Black Cliff. At that time, you and I will become puppets. , Even killed!" Luo Yi said in a deep voice.

He no longer cares about the so-called life and death, but since it is a fact, he must admit it.

He knew the strength of the Black Cliff Sect's cultivators very well, and he didn't think there was hope in the sect world.

Ordinary people don't have any good feelings about demons, even distrustful, and Zhong Xiajie is no exception.

He said in a deep voice: "Don't show your ambition to destroy your prestige. I have heard a little about the war a thousand years ago, and there are seven sects guarding the cracks in space. How can it be easily lost? Besides, even in a major war, It’s not our turn to take care of it. The Black Cliff Sect is only interested in this cultivation guarantee of the sect world. In the worst case, they rule here, and there is no need to kill everyone here. We take refuge in them."

Although Zhong Xiajie is not strong, he is a soul cultivator, and he can analyze it in a few words, so Luo Yi can't refute it.

Zhong Xiajie nodded, there was a murderous expression in his eyes, and said: "Of course, in the best case, it is natural to lose both sides. Before that, our common goal was the same, that is, to kill Xiao Yu!"

Immediately, Zhong Xiajie stared at Luo Yi and said: "This matter is only dependent on me, or it is not feasible to rely on our Zhong family. You must help to make it happen."

Although Luo Yi stretched out his hand and was seriously injured, he was said to be a great achievement in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Such strength is already one of the first-class powerhouses in the sect world. Of course, he must make good use of it.

Luo Yi took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

It is true that Zhong Xiajie wanted to use his strength to avenge himself and his family. After all, Bi Lingyu was just a small place, and their Zhong family was nothing at all.

And being able to possess a master of the Heavenly Spirit Realm to sit in town is enough to make their Zhong family's strength rise.

But having said that, did Luo Yi want to kill Xiao Yu for revenge?

He doesn't have a good impression of the demons, and he is not outdated because good birds choose trees to live, and Luo Xi's relationship makes him stand by.

At the same time, he has no good feelings about Xiao Yu, because if it weren't for Xiao Yu, perhaps their plan would have been successful, and his elder brother would not blew himself up.

Naturally, Luo Xi's death, Luo Yi attributed all the responsibility to Xiao Yu and the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect.

Luo Yi suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhong Xiajie, sneered: "I didn't expect that the Zhong family of yours would dare to calculate him. Haven't you heard of what happened to this kid recently?"

Speaking of this, Zhong Xiajie's eyes flashed with a determined look, and he said: "Killing my grandfather's hatred is not shared! What's more, if we don't rise with this, our Zhong family will never have a chance to rise! It's better to die than to live. Only when our background is strong, even if we survive in the cracks in the future, we will have more capital, right?"

"It's better to die than to live! With your words, I can cooperate with you! I will give it up too! How happy is life and death, why is death! I also want to see how chaotic the world of the sect will be !"

Luo Yi and Zhong Xiajie, two desperadoes who had almost nothing to worry about, seemed to hit it off quickly and soon reached an agreement.


the other side.

A dark shadow is waiting on a certain mountain. If you take a closer look at the tall shadow and the familiar black robe, you will know that this person is indeed Xidong.

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