Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1986: Today, I will kill you!

I saw a young man in Chinese clothes rushing over.

He has a handsome face, although he is not handsome, but his whole body exudes an elegant and calm attitude.

Standing on a shawl with long hair, fluttering with the wind, it shows a kind of youthful will and grandeur.

This person is not Xiao Yu, but who is it?

And behind him, naturally Han Yinan, Han Xinhui headed by Han family children.

Xiao Yu tapped his toes lightly, walking on the snow without a trace, the feather fell to the ground, and lightly stepped on the lake.

When Jiang Pei saw Xiao Yu, he raised his brows, looked up and down, and said calmly: "Are you Xiao Yu?"

"It is rumored that you are the same name as Tianyu, and I have been waiting for you for two days under Biling Lake, I hope you won't let me down."

Everyone held their breath.

It is not as big as imagined, it is more like a challenge between two people, everything seems so calm.

"Is Jiang Pei?"

The young man opened his eyelids lightly, and in an instant, a monstrous aura rose to the sky, and the entire lake, overwhelming the river and the sea, was lifted several meters high, a chill that seemed to be contained in the soul spontaneously—

"I'm here to kill you!"

At the last moment, they thought that the scene was calm and there would not be too many waves, but at this moment, they were wrong.

Xiao Yu's terrible murderous intent had enveloped a radius of 800 meters!

They are all around the lake, but still feel the chill that makes their souls tremble.

Su Qingrou's eyes narrowed slightly, this breath, could it be...


But it was seen that Xiao Yu stepped out in one step, and the entire Bi Ling Lake and the ground were shaking.

He was shaped like an arrow from the string, and suddenly shot in the past.

Above Biling Lake, the two sides were immediately separated, as if there was a way to cut the surface of the lake.

Jiang Pei did not expect that the other party's murderous intent was so strong that it made people so fearful, but under his deep thought, he suddenly discovered that this murderous intent was actually enveloped by the power of the soul.

However, he was only taken aback, and soon reacted, and he slammed a punch.

The distance of one hundred meters was just a momentary thing in front of Xiao Yu, and the power of Zi Lin did not hesitate to urge it out.

A lavender light emerged spontaneously, a faint unicorn phantom wrapped around his arm, and the astonishing power of blood blasted a puddle of 100 meters in the middle.


With a loud noise, Jiang Pei's figure retreated tens of meters, and the two punches collided with the center, which caused another wave of tens of meters high.

Countless lakes are falling down like a violent storm.


Jiang Pei didn't get angry and laughed, and said: "It is rumored that your physical body is close to a demon, and it is really good! Your physical body, if you have just stepped into the sixth level of the beast, I am afraid it will be muddy."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the audience was discolored.

One punch can turn a Level 6 monster into sludge?

And just now they sensed that Xiao Yu's cultivation base was nothing but the aura of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Is there such a perverted leapfrog fighting power?

Xiao Yu slowly retracted his fist, his eyes flashing coldly.

"Jiang Pei, do you think you are sure to win? I made this punch just to let you know that today, I will kill you!"

Jiang Pei laughed again: "Yes, you can reach the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in one year. I have to say that even Tianyu is not as good as you. I don't know what adventures you have, and I don't know what you eat. What kind of panacea is there, but you are disregarding the life and death of the sect for the sake of a woman. For this, I will make you die happy."

"Is it?"

Xiao Yu's murderous aura receded a lot, and the eyes that were as deep as the abyss seemed to calm down.

"Jiang Pei, you have the fourth level of good fortune, and you almost stepped into the fifth level of cultivation and tried to provoke me. Jiang Tianyu will be sad for you if he knows it."


Everyone took a breath, Jiang Pei was actually the fourth level of good fortune!

The most important thing is that this boy said as if he could kill the opponent!

The strength was spied on, Jiang Pei put a smile away, and his eyes were cold: "The mouth is quite powerful! Do you really think you are invincible in the world? Not to mention, I will open the way for Tianyu, and there are people with his equal name. How capable! But let me tell you, Huangquan Road, don’t regret what happened today."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Peihan laughed, and then he stepped on the lake...

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