Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1987: Xiao Yu VS Jiang Pei (Part 1)

Above the huge lake, a sea wave as high as a hundred meters was suddenly swept over. Jiang Pei took the huge wave of one hundred meters and suddenly turned into a waterspout.

The vast spiritual power of heaven and earth was drawn from all directions, and Jiang Pei's palms, which were spinning rapidly, suddenly burst out.

The terrifying palm style, with his four-tiered cultivation base in the good fortune realm, seemed to have given Bi Linghu a kind of life force, with a monstrous palm style.

"Beihai palms!"

Two revolving giant palms, using lake water as the medium, but containing the powerful power of Jiang Pei's North Sea God Art, seemed to crush Xiao Yu into pieces.

Obviously, Jiang Pei used such a powerful supernatural power as soon as he shot, it was no longer a simple discussion.

But at this moment, the power of Xiao Yu's soul suddenly condensed. He didn't urge the power of transforming heaven and earth spiritual power, nor did he use the power of purple spirit anymore. He just urged the soul cultivation base that he hadn't used for a long time.

He squeezed his sword fingers, pinched his fingers into a knife, and a cyan sharp blade flashed in the air, as if it could tear the space.

The sharp blade flashed past, cutting the countless waves tornado in half on the spot.


Jiang Pei was startled, his whole body was struggling, but the other party easily cut the first half of his palm. If he didn't stop and dodge, he would peel off even if he didn't die!

He immediately retreated, and his figure retreated violently.

And the rest of his wave palm-like energy turned into countless water mist, which filled the entire Biling Lake.

The powerful heavenly supernatural powers can't resist a multitude of swords!

"Array attack!" Jiang Pei's expression moved slightly.

Yes, strictly speaking, this is a soul attack, a very small formation. This formation, or the name of the soul attack, is called Mu Yiqianblade.

When Xiao Yu first used it, it was used against Lu Guobin.

It's just that his cultivation at that time was still in the spirit realm, and he had not reached the living spirit realm.

But now it is not the same, he is now the realm cultivation base of the Heavenly Master of Formation.

The onlookers, seeing Xiao Yu easily broke the palm of Jiang Pei's Beihai Shenjue, and were immediately shocked.

That is the fourth level of the cultivation base of the good fortune realm.

When it was said that it was too late, Jiang Pei violently retreated and jumped over again.

In the mist of the sky, he shot out with one punch.

The silver-white fist-style like lake water suddenly formed, and under the sunlight, there was a strange luster on it.

"North Silver Fist!"

The most powerful thing about the North Sea God Art is that it can mobilize and condense the water of the North Silver.

This North Silver Water is not an ordinary water attribute power, but a variation from the water attribute energy.

At the same time that his punch was blasted, the surrounding air temperature suddenly dropped, and a kind of coldness accompanied by Jiang Pei's fist style permeated.

But seeing him hit and kill with a punch, the terrifying silver-white fist directly penetrated the hazy rain curtain, as if the human body fell into the lake.

"call out!"

With a move of Xiao Yu's mind, he flipped his hand, and the ten-meter wood Yi Qianblade condensed again, and then suddenly cut it out.

His wooden Yiqianblade directly cut open a fist that was as hard as a meteorite.

It's just different from the first blow. This time Jiang Pei's so-called North Silver Fist was cut off after a stalemate.

The opponent's North Sea God Art is indeed very powerful, containing the power of the water attribute breath, but it also contains an extremely cold attack attribute in it.

But you must know that Mu Yi Qianblade was originally the soul attack method that Xiao Yu had understood from the forest attribute mystery of the first-generation sect master of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Strictly speaking, the attack power of Mu Yiqianblade is not very strong, but the victory is that it is a sword of formation formed by the energy of life cohesion.

This kind of sword and the vitality of the living creature wood array are similar to each other.

Everything in the world has spirituality, and they are all things of life, and the wooden blades are vigorous and cohesive. As long as they are strong enough, no power of reputation can penetrate.

And Xiao Yu's barrier was his soul cultivation base!

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