Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1988: Xiao Yu VS Jiang Pei (Part 2)

The power of the soul is inherently ubiquitous. What's more, the power of life is simply their nemesis to deal with this kind of cold attribute attack.

Among the crowd, the people on the lakeside were amazed.

Being able to break Jiang Pei's two strokes of Beihai Shenjue in such a relaxed and comfortable manner is no longer a powerful description.

Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Pei indifferently, and said, "Sure enough, you are one step short of entering the fifth level of good fortune. Given time, given you three years, you may have a breakthrough."

Jiang Pei's face suddenly sank. Three years was the time he had estimated early.

Ordinary cultivators, after reaching a certain level, will reach a bottleneck position, and naturally, he is no exception.

But the other party is less than 20 years old, but he uses such an educational tone to evaluate himself. How can he be happy as a senior?

Xiao Yu said again: "Your practice is indeed special. Although it belongs to the water attribute practice, it has an extra cold attribute."

"Boy, how do you know the power of my North Sea God Art? The North Sea God Art comes from the legendary North Sea, and the water of the North Silver is condensed out of it. The water of the North Silver is as solid as iron, condensed with my ten-year skill So far, how can ordinary celestial supernatural powers be compared?" Jiang Pei said, his eyes looked proud.

"Even though the water of North Silver is powerful, you can use it to deal with someone who has no power to bind a chicken. It is enough to prove that you are not worthy." Xiao Yu's eyes were light, but the gesture of disdain was particularly strong.

"You think you have any water from the North Sea, then take another cut!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's voice fell, Mu Yi Qianjian gathered again.

The bright turquoise light skyrocketed tens of meters so huge.

A sharp, but also full of comforting life breath swept out.

Everyone felt a refreshing and warm feeling, and even the originally clear, green lake water seemed to have life.

This kind of sharp blade again!

Jiang Pei's expression moved slightly, he seemed a little jealous, and his palms were eliminated one after another.

It was the silvery-white water of northern silver that came up slowly, forming five huge light curtains, trying to stop Xiao Yu.

That is his power to spur the heavens and the earth, combined with the water of the North Silver that is rapidly transformed by the North Sea God Art. The light curtain seems to be as thin as a cicada's wings, but it is as condensed as iron. Even ordinary high-grade spiritual weapons cannot be easily cut .

But Xiao Yu's azure sharp blade was like cutting tofu, instantly cutting his five light curtains in half and then dissipating.

"How is it possible!?" Jiang Pei's expression changed.

The green light and sharp light of tens of meters forced his body to retreat rapidly.

And on the surface of the lake where he had just left, Xiao Yu's Mu Yiqian blade made a knife mark several meters long.

This knife mark penetrated directly under the lake bottom, stirring the mud, sand and stones into a turbid posture, until it was filled with the surrounding lake water after a long while.


When everyone in the distance saw this scene, they sweated for Jiang Pei.

The surface of Biling Lake is as deep as a hundred meters from the bottom of the lake, and this sword energy has reached such a terrifying power!

"This...this is the sixth-level formation?" One of the three-day-level San Xiu couldn't help but moved.

Six-level formation! ? Isn't this an array level that can only be activated by an array genius?

"How could it be... he actually reached the Heavenly Master Formation!?"

The group was moved after hearing the words.

Heavenly Master of Formation! There are not many in the sect world!

They knew that Xiao Yu was a master of formation, but that was when he was in the Purple Spirit Sect half a year ago. At that time, he was just a master of formation!

Of course, with their understanding of Xiao Yu's enchanting talents, it was not surprising that they broke through to the Heavenly Master Formation in half a year.

The so-qing soft eyes on the other side of course faintly slightly said, "It seems that it is getting more and more interesting."

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