Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1989: North Silver Thousand Drops

To be honest, Su Qingrou is actually not optimistic about Xiao Yu. After all, with a cultivation base with four levels of good fortune, almost close to five levels, how could a heavenly spirit be able to survive?

Knowing that Xiao Yu urged one after another powerful formation attacks, she seemed to believe it.

"That's it! You are a celestial master of formation, no wonder you have such a big tone!" Jiang Pei stared at Xiao Yu with cold eyes.

Xiao Yu said in a pity: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my blow just now was obtained from the forest attribute secret realm of the Purple Spirit Sect. Your North Silver Water is powerful, but when you encounter my Wood Yi Qianjian, There is only a dead end. What a pity, I could have killed you just now."

"What a wooden Yi Qianblade! The Purple Spirit Sect is in your hands, they deserve it! But boy, if you want to kill me with this strength, you are too arrogant."

"My North Sea God Art is condensed in the cold water of North Silver in the North Sea. Here, my condensed water attribute heaven and earth spiritual power will increase my attack power to a certain extent! North Silver Thousand Drops!"

Jiang Pei's palms were pressed towards Biling Lake in the void, and with a "boom", countless water droplets suddenly jumped out from under Biling Lake.

These water droplets seem to have life, and they are also a silvery white color. They are as big as a thumb, floating and rolling in the air, and when counted down, they have thousands of drops.


Jiang Pei snorted coldly and pushed with both palms. Thousands of drops of North Silver Water looked like steel balls, all shot out vigorously.

Thousands of drops of North Silver Water are actually not many, especially the degree of dispersion, covering a hundred meters.

"Fluorescent fire."

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled. This time, Mu Yiqianblade condensed into a curtain of knives, waved out from bottom to top.

The cyan knife screen was like a moving ocean wave, leaping towards the distance.

"Keng Keng!"

When the thousands of drops of North Silver Water touched the cyan sword curtain, all of them turned into powder, and they simply couldn't move forward.

And the knife curtain flew towards Jiang Pei.

According to what we have seen before, Jiang Pei would definitely be injured if he was contaminated by the sword curtain.

But he sneered and said: "Boy, you are still too tender! Get up for me!"

He stepped on the surface of the lake with a shock. At the place where Xiao Yu was standing, there was suddenly a silver-white waterspout that swept up with him as the center and surrounded Xiao Yu.

Jiang Pei's thoughts were simple, the sword curtain was powerful, but it was always a formation. As long as the formation eye, that is, the person casting the formation, interfered, the sword curtain would naturally not be able to reach him.


Xiao Yu shouted, and another piece of blue light shot out from the silver-white waterspout, cutting out a crack, and Xiao Yu stepped out.


Jiang Pei's face changed wildly, this block, not only could not kill the other party, and the knife curtain in front of him was almost in front of him.

"Don't think about it!"

He roared, and the surrounding heaven and earth spirit power moved at an extremely terrifying speed. Suddenly, he eliminated dozens of palms condensed by the water of northern silver.

"Boom boom boom!"

His four levels of cultivation in the good fortune realm were driven to the extreme by him.

Under his desperate resistance, Mu Yiqianblade's knife curtain finally came to a halt. Knowing the position of a foot in front of him, the sound of "keng" was broken.


However, after the blade curtain shattered, it turned into countless small blades and swept towards Jiang Pei frantically.


Jiang Pei screamed, and his clothes became tattered, as if he was a flower child. The most terrifying thing was his skin and his entire face. It was clearly visible that the bone scars were especially hideous. His entire face was even more terrifying. It's like being cut by thousands of swords, blood and blood, and it's horrible.

Under the lake where he was standing, he was actually stained red by his blood.

The crowd couldn't help holding their breath, Jiang Pei, failed again!

A generation of masters, four levels of good fortune realm, was actually forced to such an embarrassing end!

"Xiao Yu!!!" Jiang Pei had a grim face, and his eyes at the moment looked like a beast drinking blood.

He stood dignified as a world-class powerhouse in the sect, a great master of good fortune who had been famous for ten years, but he has been suppressed.

Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent, and said: "You have escaped by chance again. It seems that your life is really great, otherwise, you have been divided at this moment."

This is not an exaggeration at all. The vitality contained in the Mu Yi Qianblade and the terrifying fierce attack absolutely exceeded Jiang Pei's belief.

What they didn't know was that Xiao Yu's Array Magic Heavenly Master realm was only broken through not long ago in retreat.

The reason why his power of formation is so strong is because of the powerful soul cultivation method of Divine Soul Dao.

"Jiang Pei, if you want your so-called North Sea God Technique to kill me, you don't have this ability yet. In the sense that you are Uncle Jiang Tianyu, take out your supernatural powers, otherwise, you will die. "

These words showed the arrogant attitude of the young man in it, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath after hearing it.

What is this kid going to do? Did this force Jiang Pei to die?


At the next moment, Jiang Pei grinned three times: "Hahaha! Xiao Yu, you really did not disappoint me. In that case, I will let you see my ten-year supernatural powers! Beiyin·!"

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