Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1994: On the spot

It is a pity that his yelling sound is too late.

In other words, from the time he stepped into this place, Xiao Yu was destined to take his life.

Xiao Yu's punch didn't seem to stimulate any spiritual power, and it felt light and fluttering.

But people are in the sea, surrounded by the sea, shrouded by the vast force of the sea, and crushed.

In front of Xiao Yu's fist, Jiang Pei could no longer respond.


Xiao Yu's fist hit Jiang Pei's chest again. This time, Jiang Pei's heart burst instantly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, turning into a cloud of blood.

Immediately afterwards, he was hit on the tree, and the tree collapsed.

Jiang Pei, dead!

The venue was silent, and everyone seemed to be shrouded in a dead silence.

After a long while, a pale-faced San Xiu trembled: "Jiang Pei... actually...dead?"

"Jiang Pei is dead!"

All the casual cultivators present and the disciples of the sect forces felt a sense of fear, horror, and solemnity upon seeing this.

Almost everyone present at the scene looked at the young man with an upward-looking attitude.

If there were people who doubted whether he could be among the first-class geniuses and first-class powerhouses before, then there is no doubt that this boy is enough to squeeze into the ranks of these masters.

Of course, there is no one who does not believe that the gap between this person and Jiang Tianyu is constantly being narrowed.

Even if it is the same name, it is not impossible.

One year's time, in such a horrible situation, was enough to kill the first-class powerhouse in the sect world, and Yan was able to do this. In the current world, there is absolutely no one.

But they also worry about one thing at the same time, that is, this person, as Jiang Pei said, is facing the danger of public criticism?

There is no doubt that they already have the answer in their minds.

But in any case, the geniuses and evildoers of the world appeared in front of them, showing the vigor and talent that a teenager should have, which has made them no regrets.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly stared in a certain direction, and his figure flicked past.

Everyone was amazed, the direction the rain swept away was surprisingly the direction of the Zhong family.

When Zhong Yifeng and others saw Xiao Yu flying towards them, their faces were as gray as death, and Zhong Xiajie's heart sank to the bottom.

"Xiao Yu!"

Zhong Xiajie stared at Xiao Yu, her eyes flushed.

Xiao Yu stepped over and shook his head and said, "Zhong Xiajie, do you really think that when you first grave the Western Regions, I didn't know you were nearby?"

"Since you have stayed in Baiyao Valley, how can I not prevent you? I just didn't expect Shishi to be tired because of me."

The Han family has already said that the one who came with Jiang Pei was a mysterious young man, and Zhong Xiajie!

Zhong Yifeng's face was pale, he guarded his son, and quickly said: "Boy, my son is ignorant, I..."

Xiao Yu pinched his fingers into a knife, raised his hand, and Zhong Yifeng passed a bloodstain through his neck, and immediately after his pupils shrank, he fell into a pool of blood.

Before he even had time to scream, he was killed by Xiao Yu!



Zhong Xiajie's eyes were about to split, staring at Xiao Yu, and shouted: "Xiao Yu, if you want to kill, you have to cut down on you, why are you killing my dad!!!"

"The son is not the **** of the father, and I will not slaughter you. It is already the greatest kindness to the Zhong family. If you do things that harm others and benefit yourself, you anticipate the day when you will die. I will give you a chance. I let go of your Zhong family."

The faces of the Zhong family were pale, and the other people looked at it coldly.

Zhong Xiajie looked back at the group of family children behind him, and suddenly smiled miserably: "Hehe, I lost, I still lost."

Immediately he stared at Xiao Yu and smiled miserably: "Hahaha! Xiao Yu, you have run out of time, I have died, and there are thousands of me. Your death date is coming!"

After all, Zhong Xiajie killed himself on the spot.

Xiao Yu looked at Zhong Xiajie, shook his head in his heart and said: Since I have stepped into the road of cultivation, life and death have long been ignored.

Xiao Yu's sharp eyes suddenly stared at the other side.

"one left."

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