Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1995: Luo Yi's Prophecy

As Xiao Yu walked in a certain direction step by step, people not far away followed Xiao Yu's direction in an uproar.

"My God, he... what does he do?"

They had already discovered that at a certain point in the lake, there was a man standing with a cloth strap tied to his hands, quietly watching the people fighting in the field.

But when they followed Xiao Yu's eyes, they found that there was blood on the corner of this person's mouth!

Because they are less than a hundred meters away, they can see clearly.

"Is this person one of the people who encouraged Jiang Pei?"

They thought of the fate of Zhong Yifeng and his son before, subconsciously.

And this person, who is not Luo Yi?

Luo Yi's vitality was slowly losing, obviously because he saw that he was bound to die, so he chose to destroy his meridians and internal organs.

Xiao Yu had already swept over, looking at Luo Yi blankly.

The latter's mouth was full of blood, and he laughed and said, "Xiao Yu, you are really dead. I didn't expect you to escape again."

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed: "Luo Yi, I originally gave you a way out, but I didn't expect you to still choose hell."

Luo Yi is not too devilish, but his eldest brother was killed, and he has no meaning for the world.

Of course Xiao Yu could see that he let Luo Yi go, not because the people in the sect world were poisoned too deeply by the demons. If he still killed his own people, wouldn't it be killing one another?

However, his kindness, in exchange for him, is another kind of death.

Therefore, Luo Yi, he must kill.

"Hehe, my eldest brother is dead, what is the meaning of my survival? I can't wait to drag you and those guys to hell!" Luo Yi still snarled savagely.

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed, turned around and left, but Luo Yi smiled sadly: "Xiao Yu, I still said that. Since they are coming, the people here can't stop them. The catastrophe of the sect world is coming, you, still There are people around you and the entire sect world, just wait to die! Hahahaha!"

After Luo Yi said, he spouted blood, and then fell straight down.

When Luo Yi's words were heard, many people were secretly surprised.

"No, he... isn't he the same Luo Yi from the Blood Refining Sect?"

"What! Is it him? How could he be here?"

A small part of them was taken aback.

"What does he mean when he said that Zongmen World is waiting for death? And what is that catastrophe?"

Everyone frowned, and they didn't know what happened. They seemed to have a bad premonition in their hearts.

As the saying goes, people are dying and their words are good, and they will never disbelieve what a dying person said.

Xiao Yu did not explain, but there was a haze lingering in his heart.

People often say that before a person dies, one can see what is about to happen. Isn't Luo Yi the same?

Xiao Yu didn't know, all he knew was that an invisible crisis was coming quietly.

He didn't think too much, and walked in place and went back to Han's house.

Although the people at the scene were confused, more of them still had lingering fears, and they dispersed.

"I didn't expect it! I was spared by this guy again." A certain woman in Bai Yugu seemed a little unhappy.

"It's so handsome, that's the candidate for the Taoist couple in the dream!"

The young girl looked forward to it, but then she was helpless and said, "It's a pity, if he doesn't sin against so many people, he would still go well with our senior sister."

After all, several people are looking at Su Qingrou.

They didn't feel disgusted or disgusted by Xiao Yu's **** methods just now.

The sect world is like this, you count me, I count you, interests first.

In addition, the road to cultivation is inherently bumpy, with natural selection of things, killing and overstocking, fighting for strength, and survival of the fittest. This is the norm in itself.

If the world doesn't even care about themselves, how can they still show mercy to others?

But Su Qingrou was meditating in Luo Yi's words just now, with her eyebrows down and her eyes down——

Could it be that Gu Zhu’s prediction is true?

Immediately, she shook her mind, her eyes returned to that coldness and indifferent, but her eyes fell on the distant shadow, Limao smiled, meaningless——

"It seems that the Seven Sect Trial Conference is getting more and more interesting, let's go back."


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