Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2022: Killed by me

But at this moment, Wen Zhan's heart trembled, Huo Ran raised his head and looked into the distance.

At the same time, Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, Zhuo Qinghai, Han Yi, Elder Jiang, and even Hu, even Ren Zhongchen, who closed his eyes and calmed his mind, opened his eyes and looked far away.

The whole venue is filled with a quiet taste in an instant.

After a long while, Wen Zhan finally reacted, and a kind of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face.

Yin Bai's originally pale face also revealed a divine light.

"Junior Brother Xiao, this is the voice of Junior Brother Xiao!"

In Xiaoyaomen, I didn't know it was the disciple, and suddenly exclaimed in ecstasy.

At the same time, the crowd finally exclaimed.

"Xiao Yu!? That kid? How could he come back?"

The crowd suddenly seemed to explode.

The name Xiao Yu is really thunderous!

It can be said that the younger generation has already regarded Xiao Yu as a role model, and the limelight has even overwhelmed the existence of Jiang Tianyu and Zhao Xin.

After all, whose youth is not frivolous? Who doesn't want to be crazy when they are young?

However, Xiao Yu, with his talent and strength, has done things that they would never have imagined and could not do.

The many deeds of this year have made them all look up.

"He's here? Could it be that he defeated Jiang Pei?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed again.

Defeat Jiang Pei? By implication, is it that killing Jiang Pei failed?

Hou Chunyang's eyes gleamed slightly, and he couldn't help but a **** sharp light flashed past, but soon, he calmed down.

Obviously, Fan Yu and Zhuo Qinghai also had a cold look on their faces, and some red dots flashed deep in their pupils.

After a long while, from a distance, suddenly there was a slamming sound of breaking wind.

The sound was like the sound of air currents from meteors cutting through the space, running through the whole world.

"call out!"

A light and shadow, like a glimpse of a star, and like a Changhong from the east, the next second, it fell on the square.

It was a young man who was less than twenty years old. Although Jun Yi's face was full of dust and dust, his extraordinary bearing and indifferent posture made people feel a kind of arrogant temperament.

Tough and tall, arrogant.

This person is surprisingly Xiao Yu who rushed back.

As soon as Xiao Yu landed, a heat wave swept out, as if it was because he tried his best to promote the speed and body style, it caused a heat wave in the surrounding air.

"It's him! It's really him! I saw him in Xuanjian Pavilion!"

"I also met him in the Purple Spirit Sect!"

"I've seen Bi Lingyu too!"

Among the crowd, many people obviously recognized the identity of this teenager.

"Xiao Yu!"

Wen Zhan and their faces were full of excitement, Xiao Yu really came back!

However, there are hundreds of disciples from the three sects of Xuan Dao Sect, Escape Palace, and Xian Fu Zong, and their faces are very cold.

They thought Xiao Yu would not be able to return, but they didn't expect to be driven by him.

But what about being driven by him? Let alone whether he has the opportunity to market, can he survive just facing so many masters?

Of course, they don’t know what happened in Bi Lingyu, but, except for the three sects, everyone else was excited and excited. It seemed that they couldn’t wait to watch this one-hundred-year-old genius fighting on a par with Jiang Tianyu. Up.

Elder Jiang seemed to have thought of something, and asked quickly: "Xiao Yu, why are you coming back so quickly?"

The implication is the battle in Bi Lingyu.

According to the truth, even if Xiao Yu did not die, he would have a high chance of being injured, but why did he come back now?

What about Jiang Pei? Did you come to Bi Lingyu, or escaped? How is his life now?

"Jiang Pei?" Xiao Yu shook his head and said calmly, "I killed him."


As soon as Xiao Yu said this, the audience suddenly boiled like thunder on the ground...

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