Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2023: Is this grandstanding

Not to mention the Xuan Dao Sect, Xian Fu Zong, Dunshi Palace, and other second and third sects to join in the fun, as well as a group of casual cultivators, together with Xiaoyao Sect, all present a shocking posture.

Who is Jiang Pei? Jiang Tianyu's uncle, it is rumored that he has reached the fourth level of good fortune, and even the fifth level of great master!

This man has been famous for ten years, but now he says he was killed by this boy?

Seeing Xiao Yu's calm posture, everyone felt a kind of weirdness, even a kind of absurdity.

"How could Jiang Pei be killed? This kid is at best the Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"Yeah! His breath is at best the Heavenly Spirit Realm Dacheng..."

"That's it, how could Dacheng Heavenly Spirit Realm kill... Dacheng Heavenly Spirit Realm?" The young Sanxiu's face was suddenly dull.

A second ago, they were still thinking that Xiao Yu would not be able to kill Jiang Tianyu in the fourth layer of the good fortune realm with the great achievement of the heavenly spirit realm.

But at this moment, they thought of a more terrifying thing, the Heavenly Spirit Realm Dacheng!

This young man has reached the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Half a year ago, from Xuanjian Pavilion, this young man was just the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm!

Because the Heavenly Spirit Realm is the last realm of the three-day realm, it takes a long time to break through from the Earth Spirit Realm to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

It took a few months to break through to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. This is something a super genius can do.

But now, Xiao Yu's strength is higher than they thought!

And even with the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, facing the four levels of good fortune realm, it can kill Jiang Pei! ?

is it possible?

Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, Zhuo Qinghai, the faces of the three sovereigns were very ugly and gloomy.

For Jiang Pei, a master, of course they heard his fate.

Jiang Pei sits on the North Sea God Art, and he has the water of North Silver extremely terrifying, but if he is killed, he will be killed. Is this possible?

The other party is just a kid in the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

But suddenly someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"That's not right! Jiang Pei made it clear to threaten him with this kid's woman, and cleared the obstacles for Jiang Tianyu. Since he has gone to the appointment, it is bound to be a life and death battle, but now he is back..."

There are no fools in the crowd, and when I say this, he takes a sigh of relief.

Yes, everyone knows Jiang Pei's purpose is to make Xiao Yu not be able to participate in the replacement meeting of his sect.

Rather than let Xiao Yu have time to participate in the replacement meeting of the sect, it is better to say that Jiang Pei's most fundamental purpose is to not want Xiao Yu to have his life back!

That being the case, Jiang Pei must be a killer, so Xiao Yu can come back here, doesn't this mean that what the young man said is likely to be true?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at Xiao Yu with horrified eyes.

Leapfrog killing Jiang Pei of the Fourth Layer of Good Fortune Realm, how strong courage and talent it takes to do this?

That is the world-class powerhouse standing in the sect!

Compared with Xiao Yu's shock of killing Jiang Pei, Wen Zhan and the others are more worried about the impact of Jiang Tianyu's death on Xiao Yu's future.

"Xiao Yu, are you really joking?" Han Yi asked again.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "No."

Elder Jiang took a deep breath and said, "Actually, you don't need to ask. If Jiang Pei is really dead, it will spread to every corner of the sect world as soon as possible today..."

Yes, Jiang Pei was killed. This is absolutely shocking news.

Bi Lingyu is close to the center of the hinterland of Zongmen World, especially close to Baiyu Valley. It is impossible to hide this matter at all.

May I ask, is it necessary for Xiao Yu to lie?

Is it to scare the three sects?

This is simply impossible.

Xuan Dao Sect, Xian Fu Zong, Dunshi Palace are determined to ban Xiaoyao Sect in this replacement meeting, how could they be easily frightened?

"Huh! Everything will come to you after today! Don't try to sensationalize here, do you think you might be able to restore the situation like this?"

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