Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2024: Questioning Hou Chunyang

Hou Chunyang stood up and said coldly.

To be honest, if Xiao Yu really killed Jiang Pei, it would definitely be a super shocking thing.

Being able to kill Jiang Pei proved that Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness was not as simple as the superficial level.

In fact, judging from everything that happened half a year ago, Xiao Yu's ability to leapfrog battles was already well known.

The emergence of this kind of talent is nothing new. After all, a person's overall combat effectiveness and realm of strength are a big factor.

But when fighting, even if the two are at the same level of strength, it depends on the skill level, weapon level, or whether they have the power blessing of the gods, etc.

Level realm can only reflect a person's most basic background and cultivation base, but the strength of combat effectiveness is affected by many factors.

It's just that some people have less influence, and some people have more influence, like Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu possesses unique skills and his cards are endless. This is also the capital for Xiao Yu to become famous in the sect world and rise so quickly.

His talent, combat instinct, and terrifying supernatural power skills are what makes those big powers and sects jealous.

Hou Chunyang and the others asked, they had done a lot of research and understanding of Xiao Yu before they came.

But they still agreed that only real power belongs to them, and this real power is to maintain the overall level of realm.

In their opinion, no matter how long Xiao Yu can fight, his ability to leapfrog will not last long.

Yes, for the leapfrog battle, Xiao Yu is most qualified to speak.

Leapfrogging would have been impossible to challenge indefinitely, especially if you encounter someone three or four levels higher than yourself. If you were an ordinary person, you would have escaped long ago.

In fact, being able to fight beyond a level is already very scary, let alone Xiao Yu.

However, how did they know that if Xiao Yu played against Jiang Pei with the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Xiao Yu would lose out and be killed in all likelihood.

But by the way, he simply used his soul to cultivate a base, a formation celestial master!

Therefore, Hou Chunyang and the others did not believe it, and they had their own reasons.

"This kid, he must have used some sort of trick! But in any case, no matter how cunning he is, he can never do anything in front of us!"

Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, and Zhuo Qinghai all showed this idea in their hearts.

In their opinion, their trip will not go in vain.

Seeing Hou Chunyang stand up, Xiao Yu's eyes fell on him.

He could feel that this person's breath was the strongest among the three, and in his body, he felt a familiar breath.

Yes, Xiaoyao Fu.

"Are you Hou Chunyang?" Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. Although they were hundreds of meters apart, Xiao Yu seemed to be asking each other in front of Hou Chunyang.

Hou Chunyang's face was suddenly covered with frost.

No matter how he said, he was half of Xiao Yu's predecessor, and he was still a former Xiaoyao.

According to his address, Xiao Yu could not be exaggerated to call him an elder, but now, Xiao Yu is questioning him in front of so many people, how does this make him face?

"Presumptuous! Boy, what kind of identity do you have, do you talk to our Sect Master like this?" The disciple of the Xuan Dao Sect suddenly angered.

Xuandao Sect, speaking of it, has something to do with Xiaoyao Sect.

It's just that the Xuandao Sect has always been regarded as a bad name, and Hou Chunyang was once accused of being a traitor. This made the Xuandao Sect disciples inexplicably dislike Xiaoyao Sect.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "What kind of identity are you talking to me? The Xuandao Sect is only a second-rate sect, so you dare to yell at our Xiaoyao Sect?"

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