Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2025: Don't think about it!

Hou Chunyang was the direct cause of the decline of Xiaoyaomen, but not the root cause.

Therefore, Xiao Yu did not have any resentment towards Hou Chunyang's departure that year, and some were just intolerable.

Good birds choose wood for habitation, and people do not destroy themselves for their own sake. This is a normal phenomenon in jungle survival.

Hou Chunyang's ambition is so big, since he can't be the sovereign, he naturally has the idea of ​​self-reliance.

However, what Xiao Yu couldn't accept was that Yi Shuyun, the former generation lord of Xiaoyao Sect, had let Hou Chunyang go and did not abolish his cultivation.

He actually avenged his grudges, stood on his own for thirty years, then kept a low profile and optimistic about the opportunity to challenge Xiaoyaomen at this juncture this year, trying to replace Xiaoyaomen.

This is what Xiao Yu cannot tolerate.

If the Xuan Dao Sect is in peace and is still in the same corner as before, then he doesn't have any disgust with the Xuan Dao Sect, but it is different now.

The second-rate sect of the Xuandao Gate, which is ranked number one, took the lead to step on the Xiaoyao Gate.

It is true that from the perspective of all the second- and third-rate forces, no sect does not want Xiaoyao Sect to be such a treasure of the cave.

But Xiao Yu also had his own bottom line, his bottom line was that he would never allow others to hurt Xiaoyaomen.

This is his promise to Xiaoyaomen, Wen Zhan and others.

Xiao Yu's words angered the Xuan Dao Sect on the spot, and even Ren Zhongchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more.

Xiao Yu was arrogant like bamboo, arrogant and arrogant, and his tone was so big that he simply didn't put everything in his eyes.

This is the common knowledge of everyone in the entire Zongmen world.

If it weren't for this, how could Xiao Yu be so arrogant that the Purple Spirit Sect was scorched, ruined half of the Hundred Medicine Valley, and ruined the thousand-year barrier of the Profound Sword Pavilion?

This almost desperate approach naturally makes people more familiar with the character of this young man.

Of course, everyone agreed that the more Xiao Yu did this, the more he would be killed.

Hou Chunyang smiled angrily: "It's a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! Regarding generations, you can't call me an elder too much! Boy, do you really think you are invincible?"

"Elder? Those who make me qualified to be called elders are the three behind me. Traitors will always be traitors and can never be washed away." Xiao Yu mocked.

His attitude intensified Hou Chunyang's murderous intentions towards Xiao Yu.

Everyone fell silent, looking at this scene with a dull expression.

"This kid is really crazy! Even Hou Chunyang dared to contradict him."

"It's not surprising! Hou Chunyang seemed to be kicked out decades ago, and now he has established his own sect and is trying to replace the main house. Who is not angry?"

Those casual cultivators discussed in a low voice in private.

How could Hou Chunyang cultivate, how could he not hear, the anger in his heart had already reached the position of his heart.

The infamy of the traitor has been circulated in the sect world a long time ago, and this is something he can't get rid of in his entire life.

So he held his breath for so long, just to get something that would belong to him for a while.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said solemnly, "No matter what you say, the ending will not change! No matter what you do today!"

"Is it?"

Xiao Yu stared at Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, and Zhuo Qinghai, the sect masters of the three sects, his voice exploded in mid-air like Hong Zhong, and said awe-inspiringly: "But with me in one day, you don't want to take a step beyond the thunder pond!"

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