Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2026: Xiao Yu's Kyogen


Fan Yu finally couldn't help but smiled and said, "Boy, do you try to turn things around with your strength? You don't want to see what your Xiaoyaomen is now! You have already lost."

"Who said we lost?"

Xiao Yu walked to Yin Bai's side, looked at the seriously injured Yin Bai, his heart moved.

He saw that Yin Bai had tried his best to hold Xiaoyao Gate.

"Brother, leave it to me here." Xiao Yu said.

He is a disciple of Xiaoyaomen, who should have assumed such a responsibility.

Yin Bai's eyes showed excitement.

He knew that, as a junior, he might be a bit worse in realm, but whether it was courage, courage, or true combat power, he had completely surpassed him.

"Be careful..." Yin Baigang wanted to remind, but somebody stopped.

Fan Yu sneered and said, "Boy, you have already lost the qualification to participate. This is the Zong Sect Replacement Conference. Did you participate if you wanted to participate?"

The disciple of the doorman of the Escape Palace suddenly clamored.

"Yes! You have missed the competition, you have no right to participate."

"Yeah, I want to put a foot in when I come back now. Where is the Zongmen Replacement Conference?"

Lu Jun in the battle field looked at Xiao Yu with a smile.

To be honest, he didn't believe what the other party said about killing Jiang Pei.

In addition, Lu Jun is extremely angry, and he is also a leader of the younger generation.

There have been too many things about Xiao Yu recently, too many to count, he has long wanted to see this person's strength.

Hearing what they said at Xiaoyaomen, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

Yes, according to the traditional rules, Xiao Yu did not participate in the ranks at the beginning, and the practice of replacing people halfway has never happened.

To be honest, although Qu Zhi is a casual cultivator, Xiaoyaomen has always contributed to the world of the sect. He did not want to see such a decline in the status of a thousand-year-old sect.

But the rules are the rules, and he, a neutral referee, is not very partial.

Xiao Yu smiled and looked at the group of people in the escape palace and said, "You tried to prevent me from participating. Are you afraid that I won't make it?"

Fan Yu's escape palace headed up and down, his speech was stagnant, and he couldn't tell.

It's not afraid to say anything, it's nonsense at all, it's impossible.

But to say that he was completely scared was nonsense, after all, the strength of the Escape Palace was there.

Fan Yu coldly said: "Outsiders are afraid of you, but we are not afraid! We don't know what you used to do things, but only strength is everything!"

"Oh, really?"

Xiao Yu frowned and his eyes fell on Lu Jun involuntarily, and said indifferently: "If I can defeat him with one move, can I prove that I am qualified to take over the position of my senior?"


For a while, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Defeat Lu Jun with one move! ?

Let alone whether it is possible or not, this is all about Xiang Dunshi Palace and Xiang Lu Jun writing a war!

Lu Jun is already the pinnacle of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and it is very likely that he has reached the cultivation level of the Good Fortune Realm.

In the face of such a strong man, it is simply impossible to defeat Lu Jun with a Celestial Spirit Realm master!

"His tone is too big, right? The peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm is already stepping into the Good Fortune Realm with one foot."

"Yes! Good fortune is known as the calamity of good fortune. It is to refine the mortal body and use the nine layers as the ladder to let the body break through the shackles of the small world. This is the basis for going to the higher planes. This mortal realm is already Thirty-six Xiaotian is the strongest in the world, how can it be said that one defeat is defeated by one stroke?"

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