Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2028: Send you to the west

The Zongmen Replacement Conference is a kind of event that encourages one's own sects that the former overlord of the seven sects asks the guardians of the plane to supervise.

Invisibly, the guardian of the plane is overseeing.

This kind of competition is for the purpose of competition and cannot kill people.

The Seven Sovereigns of the previous generations, as well as the Guardians of the Plane, formulated such a rule, naturally hoping that this kind of replacement meeting is more of a self-reflection and self-motivation.

Don't be proud if you win, don't be discouraged if you fail.

It is not the kind of competition that is carried out in a crippling manner, such as the Seven Sect Trial Conference.

Although the Seven Sect Trial Conference is mainly based on martial arts, but many situations are no longer controllable by humans, like life and death.

But as long as the game can be controlled, the Guardian of the Plane will never let such casualties happen.

For example, at a certain sect replacement conference, a disciple of a second-rate force challenged the disciple of Fengshimen. After the defeat, the disciple of Fengshimen was furious, and then killed the opponent by sneak attack.

This moment, the second-rate force was angered on the spot, but the windshield family had a great cause. The second-rate force could only break the teeth and swallow it in the stomach, but at this moment, the guardian of the plane came out on the spot and killed the famous wind The disciple of the door.

This shook the entire windshield door up and down, and they dared not resist.

Immediately afterwards, the world of the sects, especially the seven sects, learned to be obedient. No matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible to kill people in the replacement meeting.

But there is an exception, that is, he signed the certificate of life and death, or both sides played against each other in a life and death manner.

At the moment, Xiao Yu even disregarded his life and death, and exchanged his own life for a position of challenge. How could Hou Chunyang and others let this opportunity pass?

The referee Qu Zhi also stood up and solemnly said: "Xiao Yu, you have to think carefully. If you are killed, even the guardians of the plane will not avenge you."

"I figured it out clearly." Xiao Yu said firmly again.

Qu Zhi glanced at Xiao Yu deeply, then looked towards Hou Chunyang, and said, "What do you think?"

Fan Yu took the lead with a smile: "Since he is going to die, we have no reason to stop him."

"Agree." Hou Chunyang said indifferently.

"I agree." Zhuo Qinghai echoed.

Only when all three sects agree, can this matter be carried out.

"Okay! In this case, the battle continues, Xiao Yu will take over from Yin Bai and fight Lu Jun."

The whole square was excited.

Xiao Yu not only rushed back, but also faced Lu Jun, which naturally feasted their eyes.

Facing Lu Jun, Xiao Yu didn't seem to look at him at all. He knew that the other party didn't believe him, but he still said, "The peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm can't kill me. Don't hide it, use your full strength."

When Xiao Yu came up, he asked Lu Jun to use his full strength, which made the latter's face suddenly sink.

The Escape Palace was also slightly surprised, this kid, could he see through Lu Jun's cultivation?

The cold light in Lu Jun's eyes became more intense. He was already arrogant, and after losing Yin Bai last year, this year, he was going to find this place back.

Now he was provoked by a freelancer and ignored him. He laughed on the spot and said: "Others say you can leapfrog a challenge, but I don't believe it!"

"Fine, last year, my senior brother defeated you with the Sky Hammer Tablet. This year, I will use this trick to send you to the west."

When it was too late, it was soon, Xiao Yu's eyes opened, and a terrifying oppression was overwhelming.


How terrifying is his heaven and earth momentum, his moves were not urged, and the ground with a radius of 500 meters sank a full inch.


Lu Jun's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but shake him. Why did he possess such a powerful ability to control the momentum of the heavens and the earth?

This scene also fell in Wen Zhan's eyes, their hearts jumped and their faces were ecstatic.

"Could it be..."

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