Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2029: Reappearance of the hammer day monument

Feeling this familiar aura fluctuation, Wen Zhan and they were the first to get excited.

Yin Bai, who was supported by the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect next to him, showed a shaking gesture.

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother, he..."

It is not so much a shock, as it is a kind of excitement, a look of admiration.

Yes, Xiao Yu was able to push Xiaoyao Fu to such a realm, he actually felt like bowing his head.

That is the realm he has dreamed of trying to reach for these two years!

They can feel how can Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu and Zhuo Qinghai not feel the three powerhouses?

They all looked up and looked at the invisible oppression in the sky. Fan Yu was alive, and he was so familiar with this oppression.

"How could it be..." Fan Yu's face was startled again and again.

This kind of breath pressure is exactly the same as what Yin Bai just used.

The only difference is that this situation is more powerful than Yin Bai's peak state.

Lu Jun in the field suddenly raised his head, watching the invisible energy in the sky brewing, he felt a sense of suppression by the mountains on his shoulders.

"How could this be..." Lu Jun was shocked.

This situation is totally different from what he imagined!

Even people who are farther away feel the fluctuations in their breath, but their heartbeats still speed up.

However, Xiao Yu raised his hands, squeezed into the void, and then pulled it diagonally downward.


This pull condensed all the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth in the air, and under the conversion of Xiao Yu's mind, it turned into a transparent stone monument over a hundred meters.


Upon seeing this scene, the disciples at Xiaoyaomen finally understood why Xiao Yu was able to be a true disciple, and was known as a super genius once in a century.

This one-hundred-meter stone monument is the same trick that Yin Bai used just now-the stone monument!

"Hammer Heaven Stele! This is the Hammer Heaven Stele. At this level, at least it has reached the ninth level of Xiaoyao Fu!" One of the Xiaoyaomen was amazed.

Yes, the reason Yin Bai was so shocked was that Xiao Yu's comprehension of Xiaoyao Fu had surpassed him.

Last year, he still stayed on the ninth floor, and he was only half of his comprehension, and then he was used in the replacement meeting to win Lu Jun with a slight advantage.

And now, the Heaven Hammer Tablet that Xiao Yu urged was bigger than the one he had used, and its momentum was even more amazing.


The terrifying stone stele was pulled down by Xiao Yu Xukong, and what accompanied it was the one hundred-meter stele falling down in the sky.

Lu Jun's pupils shrank. Facing this familiar and unfamiliar attack, he finally realized what kind of existence he was facing.

Such an offensive is simply at least twice as strong as Yin Bai just now!

He suddenly looked at the freely and calm boy ahead, and his heart was shocked again.

how could it be possible? He is only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and his breath fluctuates, even lower than the injured Yin Bai!

But it was such a situation that made him feel extremely heavy pressure.

But Lu Jun is not built, he can be among the top ten of all the younger generations, how could he have no background?

That kind of pride and unwillingness made him angry.

"Thinking that this would make me surrender? Don't think about it! Long soul thorn curtain!"

Lu Jun didn't seem to dare to be big, and in front of so many people, he had to prove that he could defeat Yin Bai, and he could defeat this young man as well!

The long sword that was shocked in the beginning swung out a 100-meter light curtain, and this piece of hook like a wave attacking, when it rushed out, then swept up toward the sky.

Lu Jun yelled, "Break it for me!"

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