Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2032: Take One War Two (Part 1)

Xiao Yu has always been praised for his madness, but madness also needs to be mad.

At least, this kind of ability, in the eyes of others, requires an absolute strength.

But now?

Xiao Yu directly spoke and said that Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei would be on the court together.

what is this? This is not just madness, it is a kind of extreme arrogance that can't be described without being pretentious!

Suddenly, the field was blown up again.

"What is he talking about? Let's go together? Is he challenging Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei alone?"

"This...Is this too ignorant?"

"He is strong, but Chen Baifei and Ren Zhongchen are not Lu Jun!"

They were shocked by Xiao Yu's incredible words, and of course they were amazed that Xiao Yu could say these words calmly and confidently.

The disciples on the side of Xuan Dao Sect and Xian Fu Zong all showed a kind of irritation and ridicule.

Annoyed, it was Xiao Yu who said this and didn't put them Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei in his eyes at all.

The ridicule is that at this time there is only Xiao Yu left in the Xiaoyao Gate. This is a situation of death and resurrection. Now we have to take risks and fight. With one battle and two, what is the picture?

They didn't know what Xiao Yu thought, they only knew that Xiao Yu's request was tantamount to pushing himself, speeding up the Xiaoyao Gate into the sea of ​​fire.

Xiaoyaomen didn't expect Xiao Yu to say such a smashing words, and everyone was shocked.

"Confused!!" Elder Jiang and Han Yi jumped directly.

The other spot that entered the third round was selected from Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei.

This is a good time to weaken their strength and improve their chances of victory.

Because in the third round, only one person is enough.

Xiao Yu is putting the cart before the horse!

In World War I, if Xiao Yu loses, the final winner will still be chosen from Xuan Dao Sect and Xian Fu Zong. Then this is not a fool, a waste of time, what is the difference from the beginning?

Of course, there is another situation, that is, Xiao Yuzhan is qualified for Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei, so that naturally they can make a quick battle.

But everyone knows that a quick fight and a quick decision are based on Xiao Yu's realm. How could Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei fail to see Xiao Yu's purpose?

Will they let Xiao Yu succeed?

the answer is negative.

Xiao Yu's leapfrog fighting ability is indeed very strong, but that means leapfrogging to fight one person, now it is two people!

There is no doubt that Ren Zhongchen, the triple level of good fortune, is inherently very difficult, plus a Chen Baifei who may be even higher than Lu Jun?

"Xiao Yu! Don't be impulsive!" Wen Zhan was also anxious.

All of the Xiaoyao Clan was puzzled by Xiao Yu. A moment ago, they felt happy that Xiao Yu could kill Lu Jun with a mighty force, but at this moment, they felt that Xiao Yu was reckless. Puzzled.

This is a battle to bet on the fate of Xiaoyaomen!

How could it be so sloppy, so childish!

To put it ugly, maybe this is not thought at all!

In fact, Xiao Yu did not think so much, and he really wanted to make a quick battle.

There was no other reason. When Xiao Yu rushed back to Xiaoyaomen, he seemed vaguely uneasy.

He didn't know what kind of feeling it came from. He only felt that his intuition, especially after his soul level was raised, seemed to be more sensitive and sharp.

He knew that this kind of uneasiness would certainly not be unfounded, perhaps it was from the collective suppression of the Sanzongmen, or perhaps it was an invisibly close crisis.

He doesn't know what it is, he just wants to quickly resolve this so-called replacement conference.

The so-called late is changing, and he doesn't want to delay it any more.

Xiao Yu glanced at Wen Zhan and them, and there was a gesture in his eyes that made them feel relieved.

Wen Zhan, Elder Jiang and Han Yi glanced at each other, their faces were also solemn, but relatively speaking, they were more willing to believe in this young man who had a calm heart and would not be impulsive to do stupid things.

"He must have done this for a reason."

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