Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2033: Take One War Two (Part Two)

Wen Zhan comforted themselves so in their hearts.

Perhaps this is not comfort, it is a kind of trust in Xiao Yu.

Since joining Xiaoyaomen, after thinking about it carefully, Xiao Yu has indeed not let them down.

In the eyes of Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, and Zhuo Qinghai, the mysterious triumphant color seemed to be more intense.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, you are accelerating your demise!" Hou Chunyang smiled coldly in his heart.

The three of them looked at Xiao Yu almost like playing monkeys.

The two of the people involved, Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei, were originally interested and became a little indifferent.

"Ren Zhongchen, it seems that some people look down on us." Chen Baifei said strangely.

He seems to be quiet, elegant and uncontested, but the disciples of the Fairy Talisman who are familiar with him know that this person is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, and what is hidden in his body is a hideous letter like a snake's mouth. I don't know what's going on if it's swallowed.

Ren Zhongchen looked at the young figure in the distance calmly, and said calmly: "Since he has this courage, he is destined to have no good end. It depends on who can kill him."

This kind of unpleasant comment actually implies his pride as a genius of the younger generation.

In the calm words, it seemed that he didn't take the other party too much.

Qu Zhi frowned and said, "Xiao Yu, are you really sure you want to do this?"

As a referee, he has held too many replacement meetings, but he has never been so bold as Xiao Yu.


Qu Zhi looked at Xuan Dao Sect, and Xian Fu Zong's side, and asked, "I don't know what the two sovereigns think?"

Hou Chunyang stepped forward, staring at Xiao Yu, and sneered: "Xiao Yu, I admit that I underestimated you just now. I don't talk so much nonsense. This is your choice, and we have no objection to Xuandao Sect.

"Xian Fu Zong agrees." Zhuo Qinghai was also very simple.

In their opinion, Ren Zhongchen and Chen Baifei should have fought a battle, but now they are just teaming up to defeat Xiao Yu.

This has not changed at all.

And if you solve Xiao Yu early, you can avoid many variables, so why not do it?

"It seems that you didn't come to the wrong place today! You can see the three big talents competing on the same stage!"

Those in casual cultivators felt a sense of excitement.

The existence of the top ten among the younger generation is that the dragon has never seen the end.

At this level, the so-called mundane tasks, or small competitions, they have already looked down upon them.

Only the Seven Sect Trial Conference could see their style.

However, the Seven Zongmen Trial Conference is the largest event in the Zongmen world. It is a grand event in the entire Zongmen world. It takes place once in ten years!

At that time, it was an event where all super geniuses, evildoers, and new stars gathered.

But it was really too long to wait for ten years, but now it's different, they can target the three-person battle in advance.

The newly promoted sect world celebrity Xiao Yu, the unborn super genius Ren Zhongchen, and the long-famous Chen Baifei.

The three battles are bound to be a battle.

"From my point of view, Xiao Yu must be a little certain to make such a request, right? It seems that he is not stupid at all."

"I think so too. Lu Jun just looked down on him and was killed by a single move. It seems that everything is variable!"

In any case, for onlookers, it is natural to hope that their battle is more exciting and fierce the better.

Since both parties agree, before the third round, there is a two-hour break.

Xiao Yu immediately recovered cross-legged.

To be honest, when he hurried back, the consumption was indeed a bit heavy.

Although, reaching the three-day state, the golden core has melted to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and the whole body is a container of spiritual power.

Moreover, basically reaching the three-day state, there is no need to store spiritual power, but to absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and to achieve refining and conversion on the spot.

But after a day's journey, as long as it is still a mortal fetus, and it has not reached the state of sainthood in the legend, it will eventually consume the energy in the blood and make people moved and tired.

What's more, when fighting against Lu Jun, Xiao Yu urged the hammer to the sky with his ultimate strength. There were still two hours left, and he had to hurry up and adjust his state to the best.

On the other side, Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, and Zhuo Qinghai gathered together.

"Does this kid have anything to do?"

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