Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2047: The Imagination and Reality of the Protecting Mountain Array (Part 1)

Elder Jiang sneered: "Are you not afraid? Hou Chunyang, you used to be a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect. You should know that in addition to those sects, even if you gather the Dunshi Palace and the Immortal Talisman, plus your so-called Profound Dao Sect, you three are coming up at the same time, do you think it is possible to catch our mountain protection formation?"

"Mountain protection!"

The whole audience took a breath, and the most ugly expressions were naturally Xuandaomen, Escape Palace, and the disciples of Xianfuzong.

No matter how stupid people are, they can see clearly, Hou Chunyang and the others seem to be trying to force the palace!

Because, the Zongmen Replacement Conference is the only one that can justify it and let other sects ban the position of the seven sects.

If the Xiaoyaomen really loses, because the guardians of the plane were jointly appointed by the seven suzerains a thousand years ago, the Xiaoyaomen can only be forced to leave.

Because if you don't follow it, you will be forcibly expelled by the guardian of the plane.

That is the legendary powerhouse who maintains the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World together. That is a more terrifying existence than the so-called No. 1 powerhouse in the Zongmen World!

Who dare to provoke?

It can be said that for the group of Thirty-Six Xiaotian World, they are the masters.

But they are the masters who abide by the rules of the world, follow the natural way of nature, and will not get involved in grievances and things between planes.

But even so, so what?

After breaking away from the rightful sect replacement conference, which sect, or force, can really do it, dare to challenge before going to the seven sect gates?

In these countless years, I don't know how many second and third-rate sect forces have united and tried to forcefully pull the seven sects down.

But the scene was absolutely tragic.

Especially those who didn't even have the front gate of the palace were killed. Poor bugs were killed. Even the Seven Sects didn't need to use a single soldier.


Because of the mountain guard!

The guarding mountain formation is the strongest offensive and defensive force of Qizongmen.

It was a big formation that had gone through many generations of strong masters of this sect to protect the mountain gate.

The main reason why Xiaoyaomen’s mountain protection formation has never been activated since its decline in the past 30 years is that people know that Xiaoyaomen’s mountain protection formation is one of the best in the entire sect world. !

Of course Xiao Yu had also heard of how powerful the mountain guard formation in Xiaoyao Sect was.

This was compared with the legend that he had encountered an attack barrier in the Valley of Hundred Medicines, and the Heavenly Spirit Realm entered the mortal legend. It was nothing short of a witch.

Of course, Xiao Yu had also fought against the small mountain guard formation of Xuanjian Pavilion-the Five Elements Sword Formation.

That is a small sword formation that is enough to kill the Heavenly Spirit Realm with every sword aura!

However, Xiao Yu thought of something from Xuanjian Pavilion, which reminded him of why Hou Chunyang was so confident.

Han Yi said coldly: "Hou Chunyang, do you want to try the taste of being killed by the Xiaoyaomen Mountain Guarding Array?"


Sure enough, Hou Chunyang had no fear, and said: "You want to launch a mountain protection formation to kill me? Have you forgotten an important thing?"

Everyone in the audience looked at Hou Chunyang in amazement, especially Xiaoyaomen. Seeing this person's confident attitude, they seemed to have a bad premonition.

Wen Zhan groaned for a moment, his eyes flashed with panic, Jiang Yuan's expression was also slightly moved, and Han Yi, at this time, was like a lie that had been punctured.

The old and cunning Hou Chunyang was extremely delicate. When he saw their reaction like this, he understood a lot of things in an instant.

Hou Chunyang said with a smile, "You already know what I want to say?"

"Hou Chunyang, what are you doing!" Han Yi gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha! Since you said that I used to be a member of the Xiaoyao Sect, have you forgotten that the true guardian formation requires the Sect Master to be qualified to act?"

As soon as these words came out, all of Xiaoyaomen's faces sank...

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