Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2048: The virtual reality of the guarding mountain array (part 2)

Those onlookers who watched the lively casual cultivators suddenly realized something and exclaimed: "Yes! I remembered it, it seems to say that the guarding formation is too powerful because of the strong attack force, and there is a big formation, Shanmen The saying that half of it must be destroyed, it’s no wonder that for so many years, the seven sect guarding formations have not been easily used!"

Qizongmen has a history of thousands of years, but in fact, if you are a person with experience, you have definitely heard of it. Since the mountain guard formation is a great formation protecting the mountain gate, it will not be easily activated.

Since it will not be easily urged, the number of times the seven sects have used the mountain guard formation as recorded in history will definitely not be many.

In fact, the total number of seven sects has not exceeded thirty times in the past thousand years.

On average, each sect has been used three or four times during the millennium.

But for thousands of years, such as Xiaoyao Gate, which has been ranked number one, they have only used it once.

"That's the case! That is to say...Xiaoyao Gate now, there is no such thing as a mountain guard!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

But the sound of this person's exclamation attracted the greedy color in the eyes of all the disciples of Xuandaomen, Escape Palace, and Xianfuzong.

The eyes of these disciples glowed with a look of greed like a jackal and a wild leopard.

If this is the case, then they Xuandao Sect, Xianfuzong, and Escape Palace, they can divide the Xiaoyao Sect!

From a distance, Xiaoyaomen looked like a piece of fat pork waiting to be slaughtered.

Yes, Wen Zhan thought about this just now, and at the same time, Xiao Yu also thought about it.

In fact, it's not a big secret that the guardian formation can only be activated by the suzerain.

It's just that the vast majority of people, if they don't study it, and don't hear from the rumors, it's impossible to know this.

That is, a few months ago, Xiao Yu was upset on Jianbei Mountain and forced Yuan Shoubai, whose cultivation base had fallen drastically, to launch the Five Elements Sword Formation, which attracted the attention of a large group of people.

If it had been the case before, almost everyone would have heard the rumors of the Great Mountain Guarding Formation as in the legend. Once the Great Formation came out, there were countless casualties, and it was able to defend against foreign enemies.

Wen Zhan stood up and said in a deep voice: "Hou Chunyang, do you really think that even if there is no mountain protection formation, we can do nothing? What's more, the suzerain only has the way to touch the strongest attack of the mountain protection formation, but you don't Forget it, even our elders, the strength of the united force, and the great mountain protection formation spurred by them are enough to kill you!"

When he said this, it was like taking a reassurance pill for Xiaoyaomen.

After listening, the children of Sanzongmen seemed to have changed from the color of greed to a kind of solemnity.

The master of the Seven Sects has a strong cultivation base, standing on the top of this plane, and he is almost a figure who sees the head of the dragon without seeing the end.

Such super powers are basically practicing in retreat, or looking for opportunities to understand the path of cultivation and seek breakthroughs.

Therefore, the Seven Sects are often guarded by the elders, and the inner gates of these backbones, or true disciples.

The sect master is certainly the Dinghai Shenzhen needle of a large sect, but to maintain the development of a sect for thousands of years, it is still the disciple of the sect.

Hou Chunyang didn't care, sneered, and said: "I know. Back then I also controlled this part of the right to touch the mountain protection formation, but you must not forget that when I was on the throne, the number of elders reached nine! So even if the sect master is not in the sect, even if the other six sect masters come, the mountain guards of the Xiaoyao Sect will be able to resist them, but now? The power of the three of you? How strong an attack can you launch?"

Wen Zhan's expressions changed again, and their expressions were furious.

As a former member of the Xiaoyao Sect, Hou Chunyang still served as the great elder. He knew too many secrets of the Xiaoyao Sect.

This is also one of Hou Chunyang's support today.

"Haha! Could it be that I was right? If I guess right, even if the three of you launch a large formation, at most you can stop the three of us."

Han Yining said: "Isn't it enough to guard the three of you? And there are three of us!"

"If it was before, we are indeed afraid, but... come out!"

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