Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2049: "heavily clouded"

Along with Hou Chunyang's shout, suddenly, a kind of overwhelming black cloud came from a distance.

The sky-free black clouds instantly enveloped the area of ​​Xiaoyaomen.

All the people in the audience looked up at the distant sky. When they watched carefully, their expressions moved. They unexpectedly discovered that the black cloud was made up of crows!

Overwhelming, in groups, swarming over the mountains and plains, blocking the sunlight, at this moment, everyone has a bad premonition in their hearts.

The feeling as if a bad omen was coming, made everyone feel anxious.

Xiao Yu also raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes gloomy suddenly.

When he hurried back, when he saw Hou Chunyang and the others, he felt an aura that made him uneasy.

And he just didn't expect that this kind of breath would be so familiar when Hou Chunyang's ambition was exposed.

Especially, when Xiao Yu saw this dark cloud, he was even more sure of the thoughts in his heart.

And all this was naturally beyond his expectation.

He never thought that all of this would come to Xiaoyaomen here.

He didn't even think that all of this was actually related to Hou Chunyang.

Feeling this incomparably familiar breath, even in a dream, Xiao Yu no longer thought of the calmness it was before.

Wen Zhan and they saw this scene from afar, and their faces were extremely heavy.

"This breath... Xiu Mo!" Han Yi's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

There are not a few demon cultivators in the sect world, but almost all demon cultivators exist in the dark, and like mice crossing the street, they rarely appear.

But there is a type of demons who can be regarded as the originator of demons in the sect world, that is, the Black Cliff Sect of thousands of years ago.

Such cultivators rarely appear, and very few people know their existence.

Because of this, almost everyone in the sect world recognizes the so-called demon cultivators, that is, those who specialize in cultivating blood sacrifices, use human essence and blood as the source of cultivation, or get into the magic way, etc.

But how do they know that the harm of these people is nothing compared to the real Black Cliff Sect demon cultivator.

Yes, the aura that Xiao Yu felt was that of a demon cultivator!

That kind of evil, cold, and extremely uncomfortable aura was exactly the kind of cultivator Xiao Yu had faced.

This kind of breath is getting closer, and everyone in the audience is unknown, even the breath seems to be held.

That kind of terrifying pressure, as well as an unprecedented huge momentum, was like a cage, covering the entire square.

Before all the black clouds formed by the crows, a black mist swept over quickly, and for a while it fell before Hou Chunyang and the others.

This person was wearing a black cloak, and it seemed that he was no different from a normal person.

However, his face showed a sickly white, thin figure. Although he was wearing a large cloak, it was more like a corpse, barely supporting his clothes, with skeletons inside.

This vitality is very powerful. When it appeared, countless black fog surged, like a big wave washing the sand. The black fog formed by the crow covered the entire sky, blocking most of the sunlight. Outside, under the venue, a gloomy world appeared.

Xiao Yu stared at this person stubbornly. This person, the aura of the person killed by him in the Southern Clouds, was simply too similar.

However, this person's aura is stronger than the demon cultivators in the Southern Cloud Region who were killed by him, and the demon cultivators in the Azure Cloud Region.

Seeing this person, Fan Yu and Zhuo Qinghai took a deep breath, and the two looked at each other.

This is the first time they have seen this demon repairer!

Previously, I contacted them through Hou Chunyang and told them about it. After passing through Hou Chunyang, they got what they needed.

The aura of this demon cultivator is too strong, vaguely, in a room with a radius of 100 meters, the black mist appears, as if to twist the space.

Now, not only the people in the audience were shocked, even the disciples of the three sects of Xuan Dao Sect, Xian Fu Zong, and Escape Palace, did not know why their Sect Master had contact with the Demon Cultivator.

That is the public enemy of the sect world! How can you surrender and cooperate with the enemy?

However, as soon as this demon cultivator appeared, his eyes fixed on Xiao Yu, and he asked in a deep voice, "Are you the kid who killed Ibo?"

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