Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2058: The Difficulties of Xiaoyaomen (Part 2)

Jiang Yuan and Han Yi were ashamed, but they turned into a resolute and dying attitude.

They knew that the danger of the Xiaoyao Sect did not come because of space cracks, but because of a replacement meeting and two Black Cliff Sect remnants, which drove the top three sects of the second-rate force and plunged Xiaoyao Sect into such a situation.

However, Xiaoyaomen have always been proud. As elders, they naturally have the responsibility to survive and die with the sect.

"The disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect listen to the order, and you must guard the mountain gate to death! You are the pride of the Xiaoyao Sect, and the Xiaoyao Sect is proud of you!" Jiang Yuan let out a thunderous anger, and on the spot it lifted the spirits of hundreds of the Xiaoyao Sect disciples.

"Death to guard the Xiaoyao Gate!" Hundreds of Xiaoyao Gate disciples shouted in unison, all urging their own Xiaoyao Fu's strongest power.

Even the injured Yin Bai was affected by this scene.

Although he is injured, but in this situation, how can he still stop to cultivate?

This is the time of life and death!

He gritted his teeth and joined the battle.

"Elder Han, they leave it to you!"

Jiang Yuan took the lead and shouted loudly. He was the first to rush towards Baihong, who had the same cultivation level as him, the sixth level of good fortune.

"Hehe, Xiaoyaomen Great Elder, just so, let me see how strong you are!"

Compared to Xiao Yu who was not able to kill the good fortune realm, apart from feeling a bit of pressure on Wen Zhan, there is no doubt that the person he most wants to fight with is Jiang Yuan.

The living conditions of the Black Cliff Sect have been extremely harsh since ancient times, which has also caused the law of the Black Cliff World to respect martial arts especially.

Every day people will die, and every day there will be big and small battles, which allows them to develop a strong cultivation base, but also have a natural bloodthirsty state for fighting intentions.


However, even though the Xiaoyao Sect is of the same level, it is known as the world's number one exercise in the sect, but don’t forget that the powers of the Black Cliff Sect are the strongest in the world.

Moreover, in terms of plane level, Black Cliff World is much stronger than this plane.

The battle circles of the two frequently aroused strong fluctuations, which shook a piece of space.

The literary war in the sky and A Fei have long been inextricably fought, and the horrible fluctuations, under the effect of the radiant magical skills, are like thunder exploding in the sky.

We need to know that Wen Zhan is already among the ranks of the world's super powers in the sect.

Such a strong person's ultimate pursuit of power can already vaguely touch a little bit of space law power.

Although the space cannot be shattered yet, this kind of vibrational space makes it resonate and vibrate in a radius of kilometer. It is enough to imagine that if it is really a powerhouse at the level of the seven sect masters, the magnitude of the spatial shock will be much Horror?

The enthusiasm of the two battle circles shocked the people who ate melons in the distance.

They were thousands of meters away, but they still felt the earth-shaking vibration, which spread to their whole body and shocked their minds.

On the other side, Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu also took the lead. Han Yi glared and said awe-inspiringly: "Your opponent is me!"

After all, with the power of his palm, the waves were turbulent, and the momentum was overwhelming. The vast power formed by the power of Fu shook the past.

Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu's faces became solemn, they are the fourth level of good fortune, but Han Yi is the fifth level of good fortune!

The ordinary Five Layers of Good Fortune Realm was not yet Han Yi's opponent, and the two of them could barely maintain it with their combined strength.

Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu looked at each other, and there was a **** light in their eyes.

They flipped their hands and suddenly a blood-colored spirit pill appeared, and then they swallowed it without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two forces exploded, and for a while, from their bodies, an evil spirit of cultivation power was even permeated.

Five Layers of Good Fortune Realm!

The eyes of the two became blood-red, and there was a trace of hideousness on their faces.

This is a sign of enchantment!

Of course, this is not the so-called ordinary enchantment. Judging from their demeanor and aura, it seems that they have been semi-assimilated by the magic way of the Black Cliff School.

"Is this the power of Black Cliff World?" Fan Yu felt the power flowing through his body, his expression shaking.

They have never felt such a powerful force, this kind of power aura is beyond the sense of the sect world.

"Huh, Han Yi, you have no chance! Take it to death!" Zhuo Qing Haisen sneered.

"I want to kill you!" Han Yi was furious.

He felt a powerful breath of power from the two of them, and just a moment, made him feel pressured.

The fighting here broke out at the same time, and hundreds of disciples of the Three Sects and one or two hundred disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect were also fighting together.


With a terrifying sound of killing, accompanied by one by one astonishing aura fluctuations, for a time, half of the Xiaoyao Gate became a **** of a nose.

Seeing Xiaoyaomen all working hard, Xiao Yu's heart trembled, and the murderous intent filled the sky.

"Boy, hand over the Tibetan path! I can keep your whole body!"

Hou Chunyang also had a chill, and in a moment, he rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed an inch of brilliant light, and the power of Shura on his body unconsciously burned with red and black disgust, and Xiao Yu enveloped it.

Unconsciously, the bloodline power that had been fully restored in Xiao Yu's blood, vaguely, the hidden power of killing, there was a sign that it was about to move.

"You all have to die!!"

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