Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2059: Xiao Yu VS Hou Chunyang (Part 1)

Xiao Yu only felt that his blood seemed to be burning.

The killing realm power in Shura's bloodline would surge out unconsciously.

Yes, it has been a year since Xiao Yu hadn't tried to kill the realm for a long time, which brought him the pleasure of killing all quarters.

The difference between the two is that Xiao Yu was interfered by Xi Zhiyou, Tong Li, Yu Qingxue and others, which aroused Xiao Yu's anger.

That time, it was also the first time that Xiao Yu was inspired by the terrifying killing intent of Shura bloodline.

At that time, Xiao Yu almost got into trouble, which affected his mind.

Because of this, Xiao Yu became more rational.

Rhubarb also told him that the power of passing through the killing realm is not easy to control, and it is very likely that it will affect the mind and do some uncontrollable things.

Rather than saying that this is Xiao Yu's hole card power, it is more of a devil hidden in the blood.

This devil can help Xiao Yu temporarily increase his strength, but it can also pull Xiao Yu towards hell.

People's greed for power is endless.

In the world of Nine Heavens, I don’t know how many people have turned apostasy because of the so-called power, at all costs, and even embarked on the path of "devil".

Xiao Yu knew little about the mysterious Shura bloodline, and even now he still couldn't figure out the power of the bloodline of this **** pattern related to his own life experience.

In other words, Xiao Yu's ability to control certain powers in his bloodline is limited, and he will be controlled back and controlled if he fails.

Especially this kind of powerful killing force and that kind of uncertain factor are enough to disturb people's mental judgment, Xiao Yu can be said to have lingering fears.

He took a deep breath, and temporarily suppressed the eager force in his blood.

Because he knows very well that if he can't control it, he will probably cause harm to the people around him.

Seeing Xiao Yu's power died down, Hou Chunyang's face suddenly sneered.

At first he thought what kind of means Xiao Yu would sacrifice, after all, Xiao Yu's endless trump cards had already made all the major sects in the sect world extremely afraid.

But now it seems that Hou Chunyang seems a little worried.

"Pretending to be!"

Hou Chunyang sneered, and threw himself in the palm of his hand. The vast aura and the mighty power of the heavens and the earth were still mixed with countless different aura energy fluctuations.

"Hunyuan Palm!"

Heavenly supernatural powers!

Hou Chunyang's strength is much stronger than Ren Zhongchen, who is the third layer of Good Fortune Realm, with his cultivation base.

The terrifying palms shook the space along the way, as if they could destroy a mountain.

Xiao Yu finally felt the gap above the realm of the strong, and the pressure like a mountain.

He faced Ren Zhongchen, who was the third layer of Good Fortune Realm, and even Jiang Pei, who was just one step short of entering the fifth layer of Good Fortune Realm, had no such pressure.

After all, Hou Chunyang was once the great elder of Xiaoyaomen, and his strength was extraordinary.

If he is still in position now, his cultivation base, under the cultivation of Xiaoyaomen, may be promoted to the sixth level of good fortune realm, the same strength as Jiang Yuan.

Of course, even with Jiang Yuan's strength, Jiang Yuan's combat effectiveness is still not as good as Hou Chunyang.

The reason is simple, Hou Chunyang, talented Yi Bin, and even the figure who once stood shoulder to shoulder with Yi Shuyun!

Although Hou Chunyang has entered the ranks of the ancients, in terms of seniority and age, everyone in Xiaoyaomen must treat him respectfully.

"Boy, aren't you very good? Show your true skills!"

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