Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2066: Borrowing the power of bloodhoof (part 2)

Xiao Yu completely felt the surrender of Bloodhoof, the death without regret, and the excitement.

He can guess that all this may be due to his own identity.

But Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense either. The branches of the sky tree were overwhelmed by the remnants of the blood hoof.


Seeing Xiao Yu kneeling on the ground with his eyes closed, a breath of death wafted out of his body, Hou Chunyang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

On the other side, Baihong looked a little moved when he saw this.

He wanders between the Western Tomb and Southern Clouds all the year round, and he is mainly responsible for the area around the Western Tomb.

Luo Xi of the Blood Refining Sect, and You Family, he was responsible for contacting them.

For this kind of action, when he watched the Ji family countless times, he did not know how many times he had watched it. Then he thought of something, his face suddenly appeared in a panic, as if he had thought of something terrible. Hou Chunyang roared: "He wants to summon the golden coffin! Don't let him succeed!"

In the first battle in the Southern Cloud Region, Baihong was not present, so he didn't know how terrifying the power of Chief Bull Head's first shot was.

But what he thought of was something more frightening--

The history of the Black Cliff World records that tens of thousands of years ago, the Black Crow, the founder of the Black Cliff Sect, once recorded how terrifying Chief Bull Head, the leader of the ten directions.

That was ten thousand years ago, one finger could kill their existence as the founder of the Black Cliff Sect! !

What kind of strength is that! ?

The Black Cliff Sect is the inheritance sect established by the Black Crow. Ten thousand years later, the Black Cliff Sect has been vaguely called the head of the 36 little heavens.

Such a strong man, even ten thousand years ago, faced the leader of the rumored Ten-Four Lands, and he showed horrified memories. Can their descendants not be afraid?

Even though thousands of years have passed, they also know that those extremely powerful people in the ancient continent, like the Bull Head Chief, are the first to be destroyed.

But even so what? What about sleeping for thousands of years? The records of the ancestors have always kept them in awe.

They didn't know how much power was left in Chief Bull Head, but just hearing the name was the existence of the entire ancient continent at that time!

This kind of extremely strong, even if their strength loses a thousand points, or even one ten thousandth, how can they be so weak?

Another, the golden coffin in the western part of the grave was originally a powerful person comparable to the good fortune. This chief bull head was considered by the Ji family as a treasure that was more important than life, and it was also reported inside the Ji family. The other golden coffins circulated must be strong.

With these alone, how could he not be afraid?

Hou Chunyang stared at Xiao Yu, the name of the golden coffin of the western region of the grave had been passed down for thousands of years.

But he didn't seem to care.

"The golden coffin? Isn't it the cultivation base of the good fortune realm? Humph! I used to fight Ji Yunzhuo's father. His golden coffin was the leader of the wolf cavalry. Now it has been passed on to his son Ji Yunzhuo? This kind of corpse is the most. There is only the Three Layers of Good Fortune Realm, how could it be my opponent!?" Hou Chunyang had a disdainful gesture on his face.

The golden coffin in the western region of the grave is naturally a symbol of inheritance of the domain master.

But Hou Chunyang is a person who is not afraid of the sky, not to mention the known combat effectiveness, what else is he afraid of?

But at this moment, the earth trembled suddenly...

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