Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2067: Summon Bloodhoof

This shock seemed to shake the entire square, and there was a big sign of collapse in it.


Suddenly, everyone saw that an extremely terrifying blood burst into the sky. The **** breath was incredibly hot, like blood fluctuations.

"What a terrifying power of vitality!"

The people present were completely infected by this soaring energy.

The power of qi and blood is originally a unique aura among cultivators who specialize in cultivators. The qi and blood of this type of person will be extremely powerful, giving people a feeling of blood staining thousands of miles and fighting spirit.

And Xiao Yu's physical strength had been spread widely along with his deeds.

But what they didn't know was that the power that Xiao Yu had soared into the sky now was stronger than what he had to urge at any time before. It is even more terrifying than the power of Zilin who has not yet fully tapped its potential!

Because that is the breath of the leader of the ten directions!


At this moment, a roar that shook the sky suddenly spread between the world.

The crows that were originally overwhelming in the sky were all burned into dust by this burning energy.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that a tauren as high as ten meters emerged from the blood-colored figure.


When everyone saw this huge figure, the whole audience suddenly stopped their movements and watched this scene in complete shock.

Almost everyone present seldom knew anything about the ancient continent. Even if they knew the legend of the ancient continent, they would not know the terrifying existence of the leader of the Shifang Land.

The black-brown double horns glowed with a kind of shiny lines, and a pair of huge copper bell-like eyes glowed with a **** red color.

On the body wearing half of the animal skin, there are obvious muscle lines everywhere, the kind of muscles full of explosive power, all shocking everyone's eyes.

Especially the silver-black thigh hammer held by the tauren was old and old, but there were electric snakes entangled on it.

That kind of suffocating power, that kind of body that seems to shake the earth, is a representative of the ultimate strength.

There was also A Fei in the civil war in the sky, and the two stopped completely and watched this scene in horror.

Especially A Fei and Baihong, their pupils shrank suddenly, and both exclaimed: "Chief Bullhead!"

This kind of body, this kind of breath, can't be wrong, this is exactly the same as the leader of the ten directions recorded in their black cliff world!

At this moment, A Fei and Baihong suddenly felt a terrifying coercion, just because the **** eyes of Chief Bullhead stared at them.

"So, there are two more descendants of the Black Crow. You killed one last time. Do you dare to come here presumptuously?"

Kill one! ?

A Fei and Baihong were moved, could it be that Qi Yin was killed by Chief Bull Head! ?

A Fei has always been a healthy young man. He tried to calm down the surprise in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "This is our grievance between the Black Cliff world and here, please don't interfere."

Jieyuru Afei finally realized that this bullhead chief is not a good kind!

Even though he lost too much of the aura of destroying the sky in secret, he almost dared not look at him with the aura of secretly snarling!

Bloodhoof sneered: "What are you, the black crow begged me to take him in back then, to become a member of my Qianjunwei, the evil devil, how can he be?"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned by the fact that Bloodhoof was able to spit out words and speak.

Who is the black crow in their mouth? This tauren seems to have something to do with these demons!

Baihong listened and said angrily: "You are not allowed to humiliate our ancestors! You are just a coffin now, what right do you have to scream here!"

But who knows, a familiar voice came from the mouth of Bloodhoof——

"is it?"


Wen Zhan and others' expressions changed: "Xiao Yu!?"

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