Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2068: One hammer to destroy the sky

Yes, this voice was surprisingly Xiao Yu's voice. When they took a closer look, Xiao Yu remained half-kneeled, with one hand on the ground, closed his eyes and motionless.

"Could it be that Xiao Yu's intention has entered this tauren!?" Jiang Yuan and other Xiaoyaomen disciples were startled.

They guessed right, Xiao Yu used the sky tree branch as a carrier to enter his consciousness into the body of Bloodhoof.

Xiao Yu knew that it would be difficult to avoid this disaster with his power. In that case, only with the power of bloodhoof can he achieve what purpose. When everyone heard Xiao Yu's voice, their expressions changed drastically, especially A Fei and Baihong. They were even more immeasurable. Xiao Yu could control such a corpse!

"Pretending to be!"

Hou Chunyang's face was full of icy cold, with an air of disdain.

In his opinion, Xiao Yu blocked his offensive with the magical powers of the five-storied tower just now, but he clearly sensed that Xiao Yu was obviously exhausted after blocking his offensive.

In his opinion, it was precisely because Xiao Yu had already tried his best, so he simply didn't look down upon him.

"Let me solve you again! Hammer the sky monument!"

Hou Chunyang's eyes dazzled, his hands pressed into the void, and another black one-hundred-meter stone tablet fell down in the sky.

The momentum is still overwhelming, still like a mountain shaking down, but the momentum is three points stronger than before.

It seems that because of the appearance of the bloodhoof, the audience's attention was attracted. After all, Xiao Yu's defense against Hou Chunyang's moves just now shocked too many people.

And this ten-meter-tall giant is almost like a hill, and A Fei and Baihong seem to be afraid of this tauren three-pointer.

The hammer to the sky fell again, Wen Zhan and others seemed to be reminding, but the hammer in the bloodhoof's hand was clenched tightly, and it suddenly turned and threw it upward.

"Huh! Misha shake..."

Hou Chunyang looked extremely disdainful.

At this time, the Heavenly Hammer Tablet he urged was close to his lifelong cultivation base. He was confident that if Xiao Yu once again blew the five-story tower two hundred meters high, he would definitely not be able to bear it, let alone which one seemed to be disabled The old hammer?

There is no surging of power, just with a hammer, you want to break his almost full blow?

It's just a dream.

However, the next moment, his face could no longer laugh, and a solidified color appeared on his face.


The hammer flew up in the wind, like a broken bamboo, instantly blasting the 100-meter-large hammer sky monument into slag.

The aftermath of terror shook out, and the hammer fell into Bloodhoof's hands again.


Simple and rude, this hammer broke the hammer sky monument and instantly made the field boil.

A Fei and Baihong's faces were pale, and even Wenzhan such a powerful man was extremely moved.

It was too strong, there was no sound, it was almost a ruinous posture, and then it broke the offensive of the Heavenly Hammer Tablet that seemed to be powerful at the moment.

The huge copper bell eyes looked down, like watching all beings, still Xiao Yu's voice.

"not good!"

Hou Chunyang's pupils shrank, and he finally realized a kind of fear.

The hammer of this tauren is simply beyond his imagination!

For some reason, looking up at this ten-meter-large creature, Hou Chunyang felt a retreat in his heart.

Almost his strongest moves have been broken easily and easily. May I ask, does he still have a chance?

But at this moment, in the eyes of the bloodhoof, there appeared pieces of fine light, unlimited killing intent, covering a radius of 800 meters.

The people who were shrouded inside seemed to feel that their necks were just strangled.

The square was originally about the size of a kilometer. Now, even A Fei and Bai Hong's expressions changed wildly with the breath that enveloped them.

Especially Hou Chunyang, who is the closest to Bloodhoof, the kind of retreat in his mind has brewed into a kind of fear.


"Just like an ant!"

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