Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2069: All-through rolling (on)

He wants to escape, will Xiao Yu escape for him?

the answer is negative.

At this time, the bloodhoof was Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu was the bloodhoof.

Xiao Yu turned his hammer and stepped forward, suddenly smashing the past.

Hou Chunyang felt that one hundred thousand mountains were heading for suppression, and he could not even know his head, but his heart was already heavy to the limit.

He didn't have time to dodge at all, let out a scream, the whole person flew out dozens of meters.

At this time, half of his body was completely deformed, and his flesh and blood, bones, and internal organs were half blurred, shockingly shocking.

Hou Chunyang's face was pale, and he couldn't stand up with a hammer!

"What a terrifying power!"

When the onlookers saw this, the minds of all people seemed to be slapped.

That is pure physical strength!

The five levels of cultivation in the good fortune realm could not stop that hammer!

"Okay, you can go to death."

Xiao Yu said coldly, raising the hammer and hitting it again.

"Sect Master, hide away!" The elders of the Xuandao Sect shouted when they saw this scene.

But the hammer had already hit it, and at this moment, Hou Chunyang seemed to be excited at the last moment.

"Xiao Yu, don't want to kill me!!"

Hou Chunyang has a hideous face, half of his body has been completely blurred, almost like a useless person, but when he flipped over with the other hand, the same black spirit pill was swallowed suddenly.


A black whirlpool swept out. At this moment, the power of his whole body suddenly moved to the extreme, and he suddenly retreated to the back, and he was dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.


The hammer fell down, and a ten-meter-large crater appeared on the spot. The mountainside of Xiaoyaomen was swaying, and the mountain was shaking again.

"so horrible!"

Hou Chunyang's scalp was numb, he didn't feel the pain at all, he just felt afraid for a while.

The spirit pill he had swallowed just now had forcibly upgraded his cultivation to the sixth level of good fortune, but at that moment, he was so close to death.

If the hammer was hit just now, he would be muddled!

"Did you escape once, or twice?"

Xiao Yu sneered, and strode past.

Bloodhoof's body is huge, but he didn't take a break because of this, but moved quickly, like a jackal, tiger, and leopard.

Hou Chunyang finally realized that there was no way he could fight this tauren!

"Zhuo Qinghai, Fan Yu, what are you guys trying to do? Come and help me! Xuandaomen go up and down, all attack!" Hou Chunyang roared, and all of a sudden, he gave Zhuo Qinghai, Fan Yu and others who were stunned. Woke up.

Yes, this tauren is too scary. If it is not resolved, they will have no chance at all!

When Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu gritted their teeth, they were already united with A Fei and the others. Can they still stay outside now? the answer is negative.

"Disciple of Xian Fuzong, attack!"

"All Escape Palace, transfer the target!"

The two of them issued an order and immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu, urging them to use powerful magical powers.

The children of Sanzongmen also reacted in an instant, and quickly turned the gun head, and countless attacks were directed towards Xiao Yu in an instant.

Bloodhoof's body was already very powerful, but the so-called firewood was high in the crowd, two good fortune realms and five levels, and hundreds of people attacked together, and Xiao Yu's momentum was instantly blocked.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Keng Keng!"

But the blood hoof's body is really abnormal. Even though countless magical power attacks and various weapon rituals, it is nothing more than itching with the blood hoof, leaving only a little trace on the bronze skin.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu finally changed their colors.

"This... is the **** still a monster?" Fan Yu cursed.

Invulnerable, this is!

Upon seeing this, Hou Chunyang yelled at A Fei and Baihong: "What are you waiting for! If you don't kill it, your plan will not succeed!"

A Fei and Baihong gritted their teeth, and finally they were about to rush, but their opponent Wen Zhan and Jiang Yuan, would they succeed?

"Don't think about it!"

Wen Zhan and Jiang Yuan suddenly had their spirits, and the fluctuations in the offensive spread a wave of strong fighting spirit.

That was Xiao Yu who encouraged them and gave them hope!

On the other side, even though Xiao Yu controlled the blood hoof, he still had his own consciousness.

How can the leader of the ten directions be humiliated!

"Go to death all! Echo stomp!!"

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