Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2070: Through rolling (below)

This time, it was the roar of Bloodhoof, and his subconscious mind that looked at sentient beings and was unwilling to be humiliated, made him burst out with endless killing intent.

Ten thousand years ago, the leader of the ten directions, that is the dominating side, the existence of majestic and powerful, today is besieged by these ants collectively, how can Bloodhoof not be angry?

That is the pride in the blood, and the pride that does not allow insults!

After a thunderstorm, it resounded across the sky, and people who were far away seemed to feel pain in their eardrums and their souls being squeezed from all directions.

Immediately after the blood hoof's treatment raised the top of his head, a **** force entangled up and slammed to the ground.

"Not good!!" A Fei and Baihong reacted first, and then all of them were petrified.

A thunder lightning flashed between the hammer and the ground.

This giant hammer was like a judgment from the gods, as if it could shatter the earth.


Along with the deafening sound, **** rays of light rose to the sky, and the entire square was cracked!

The cracked floor seemed to separate the entire mountain.

Immediately under the crack, a burst of energy rushed out like a volcanic eruption.

That is the power that contains the power of thunder!

Thunder and lightning, under this area, gathered together, and the entire mountainside was illuminated into the existence of daylight.


Those onlookers were completely shocked by this power, trembling and confused, as if the three souls had disappeared and the seven souls had disappeared, and they were all irritated by the white light so that they couldn't open their eyes.

At the same time, that scream was gradually obscured in a loud sound...

This time the ground has shaken and the mountains have never been shaken. The people standing on the ground seemed to be turned upside down, and all the onlookers fell to the ground.

I don't know how long it took, the day disappeared, and there was deathly silence in the venue.

However, when everyone saw the giant shadow, with the giant shadow as the center and a radius of five hundred meters, there was a state of shattering, and the cracked ground was particularly hideous.

All of them were motionless, with horrified faces, especially A Fei and Bai Hong, who were trembling all over.

What did they see?

Just now, there were four or five hundred disciples of the Profound Dao Sect, the Xian Fu Sect, and the Three Sects of the Escape Palace, but now, all of them have disappeared!

Do not! It should be said that it turned into powder and disappeared into the world of nine days!

Lying on the ground were three extremely tragic voices, Hou Chunyang, Fan Yu, and Zhuo Qinghai, the three of them were **** and stunned, as if they didn't know how they died.

With one hammer, all lives will die!

The three strongest sects among the second-rate forces were all destroyed in one thought!

What kind of perverted creature is this! What kind of power is this?

After using the Echo Stomp again, Xiao Yu clearly felt the light in the remnant soul of the blood hoof, and it was even weaker. This time, almost all the energy of the blood hoof was drained!

He could clearly feel that the flesh and blood of the blood hoof, the internal organs, had already shown a trickle, tending to dry up.

However, Bloodhoof was already standing, chest straight, showing the mighty and domineering leader of his ten directions.

This is the spirit that the leader of the ten directions should have!

Xiao Yu said with emotion, if time goes back to the ancient continent ten thousand years ago, in that high world, what kind of power is there to destroy the sky?

In the venue, there were only the children of Xiaoyaomen and the casual cultivator of less than two hundred people.

Of course, there are also A Fei and Baihong.

The two have completely lost the heart to fight.


A Fei waved his wings, displayed his lifelong cultivation skills, turned into a black light and flew away.

"Where to go!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and the hammer was thrown out. As soon as the hammer was released, a shocking scene appeared, and a crack appeared in the space!

This is the first time Xiao Yu has seen space shattering with strength in so long!


The electric snake entangled, the giant hammer turned into a meteor of white light, and suddenly it shot down the black light in the sky trying to escape.

A Fei died tragically on the spot, and now Baihong is left.

"it's your turn!"

Bloodhoof **** eyes looked down again. Although he had little power left, he was willing to die in order to help Xiao Yu. With the remaining power, it was not too difficult to kill a sixth level of good fortune.

But at this moment, Baihong did not run away. He laughed three times: "Do you think that if you kill us, the world of the sect can be peaceful? You are wrong! I am dead, and there are thousands of me. The end of the sect world is coming, you, just wait for the trial of the'black dog'!"

After Baihong said, a black flame suddenly burned in the seven holes, and then the whole person turned into ashes and disappeared between the heaven and the earth...

The remnants of the Black Cliff Sect died, the three sects were destroyed, and the Xiaoyao Sect went up and down, but his face was still heavy and he was not happy at all.

Because they already know that this is just the beginning, the world of sects, the real disaster, seems to be approaching.


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