Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2091: Reversal

"You..." Cui Yuan's face was extremely pale at this time, and he finally realized how this Qi Fu existed like a poisonous snake.

Every year when the space cracks are consolidated, the representatives of the seven sects must have no distractions and empty their minds. Only in this way can a linkage effect be produced, which makes the greatest power. This is the powerful seal of the seven sects. Place.

Thousands of years ago, the seven sect masters of the seven sects were concerned about the world of the sects. They had no selfishness and shared the same hatred of enemies. This is why they were able to jointly seal the gap in space.

Because, the powerful person at that time only took action to suppress the Black Cliff Sect. Although it stabilized the entire thirty-six small sky world, to a certain extent, the powerful person actually helped this place. Noodles.

And speaking of it, the emergence of the Mighty is still based on maintaining the world order and not interfering with the world order.

Because if the mighty one doesn't make a move, all the 36 small heaven planes will be shattered, and the ones who die will be hundreds of millions of creatures.

However, it must be clear that the Mighty One only interferes, but it will never affect the order of the Nine Heavens World. Therefore, the seal at that time was not actually placed by the Mighty One, but the sovereign of the Seven Sects. The Mighty One is just Teaching the method of sealing.

And this sealing method is not effective for a long time, it will give the sect world a sense of crisis.

In fact, this kind of crisis consciousness has been planted thousands of years ago, but many people in the sect world do not know anything about thousands of years ago, let alone space cracks. What about crisis consciousness?

In short, the spatial cracks will inevitably break. At that time, it will be a price for the mighty to suppress the Black Cliff Sect and a compensation for the Black Cliff Sect.

And all of this depends on the good fortune of these two planes.

Is it the Black Cliff Sect that occupies the world of the Zongmen, or the people of this plane can guard the World of the Zongmen.

Unfortunately, the sect world has already begun to decline to some extent.

Judging from the consolidation of the past two years, it is enough to tell.

In other words, it is already very difficult for Qizongmen to join forces to seal the cracks in space. Last year, the state of fighting for injuries appeared.

In such a difficult state, Qi Fu even demanded his own reversal technique! This is to make the space seal fall into a quagmire state, even a failure!

In this way, Cui Yuan's thoughts of betrayal were prevented from being seen through, and it would affect the Clear Sky School.

You can also complete what Qi Fu and the others think as required, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!

But there is a problem here, the inverse method, which is to let Cui Yuan destroy his cultivation!

The reversal of the exercises is only a choice under extreme circumstances. How can ordinary people reverse the exercises!

Because the reversal method is almost a delusion, if you are careless, you will still fall into a crisis of self-destruction!

"You... are you asking me to die?" Cui Yuan was furious and trembled all over.

They want to exchange their lives for the failure to consolidate the cracks in space, how can they accept it?

"Calm down, I actually didn't mean that."

Qi Fu was still unhurried, but the calmer he said this, the more it made Cui Yuan and Gan Ning look creepy, as if what they encountered was an extreme whirlpool, constantly devouring them.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Fu flipped his hand and a black spirit pill appeared...

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