Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2092: Hei Mi Dan

If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize such a spirit pill, which was exactly the same as the black spirit pill that Hou Chunyang, Zhuo Qinghai, and Fan Yu swallowed at that time!

Qi Fu said indifferently: "This is a black pill. It is made from the blood of the most ferocious sixth-level monster in the world of Black Cliff, the black pill, it is a sixth-level spirit pill. You can swallow it in advance. Then, when you reverse the practice, the black pill will protect your heart and keep your mind from being impacted. Afterwards, it only takes three days for you to recover and your cultivation base will progress by leaps and bounds."

Xidong snorted coldly: "You can be content, don't be afraid to tell you that the black worm pill is one of the most advanced spirit pill in our Black Cliff world, even I can only get one."

Cui Yuan’s cultivation is at most the third level of Good Fortune Realm, and the top of the sky is the fourth level of Good Fortune Realm. He himself believes that with his forty years old and the youngest elder, he wants to break through to the next level. It will take at least half a year, but now, what kind of black snake pill they actually said can make him grow by leaps and bounds? is it possible?

Normal people know that at every level, there will be a kind of resistance to a spirit pill. In short, it is like a good fortune realm. If you swallow a sixth-grade spirit pill, you will achieve the strongest effect.

But if you continue to swallow the second sixth-grade spirit pill, the effect will be greatly reduced, and in many cases it will only be absorbed as a huge heaven and earth spiritual energy, and it will not be of much help to the breakthrough of the cultivation base.

And Cui Yuan had already swallowed the sixth-ranking spirit pill when he reached this level. He asked himself, any sixth-ranking spirit pill, basically could not help him.

Because the realm of good fortune is already the strongest realm in the sect world, in this realm that has to cross the nine-fold ladder, it is the final test for the first-class power here.

This kind of test, without a strong talent, or some kind of epiphany, etc., it is impossible to break through easily.

Cui Yuan is not stupid at all. His mind is moving quickly. Suddenly, his expression is moved and he exclaims: "You want me to enter your Black Cliff Sect!"

This is for him to betray from the blood!

The original reversal of the exercises was a sign of devilishness. Good luck will affect the mind, and thus step into the way of killing, that is, an ordinary cultivator.

And this black pill is the fiercest level six monster in the world of Black Cliff, and it also protects the heart, mind, etc., this is not to let yourself be completely in the blood, but to use this spirit pill to save your life ?

After Gan Ning listened, his face was also pale, and he quickly looked at Cui Yuan and said anxiously, "Elder Cui, think twice!"

Although he is Cui Yuan's subordinate, he is also on Cui Yuan's side, and he is also in contact with Qi Fu and the others.

However, in his bones he still thinks that he is a member of the sect world, and he has never thought about being enchanted.

As just said, they just want to use the power of the Black Cliff Sect.

The current enchantment means that there is no turning back. How can ordinary people accept it?

Of course Cui Yuan knows what this means. He gritted his teeth, his heart is cold. The two of them will be enchanted by themselves, and then he will have no initiative at all, and he will be completely driven by them!

Qi Fu did not regard this as a big deal at all, but said indifferently: "The choice is yours, I am not forcing you to do anything. I am a person who does not hold grudges. I can forget what you did to us before. Everything, but if you don’t follow it, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance in the future."

It's okay if you don't say this, this is just killing Cui Yuan.

What they said, is it foreshadowing that Black Cliff Sect is really going to attack?

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