Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2099: Shenling Wood (Part 1)

As Xiao Yu stomped on the ground, his feet seemed to possess some kind of magical power. On the originally desolate land, because of the fall of one of his feet, he quickly restored a piece of vitality!

Yes, it is full of life!

From his feet as the center, this kind of vitality spread to the surroundings, and on the ground, at the speed visible to the naked eye, there was green grass growing at the same speed.

"how is this possible!?"

The green plants that spread from the soles of Xiao Yu's feet have spread rapidly towards the front.

It is a deserted and shady area. At this moment, it becomes green and full of spring. A piece of green quickly covers the front, and it continues to cover the distance.

This is just like the strangest life magical power in the sect world, it can turn the barren land into such a living realm.

But soon, Qiu Qingrong was the first to react, exclaiming: "No! This is the formation, the sixth-level life formation!"

"Sixth level formation? Heavenly master of formation!?"

All of them were shocked.

Half a year ago, Xiao Yu was only a great master of formation, but half a year later, he had already broken through to the realm of heaven master of formation!

Just now, they all thought that Xiao Yu was still serious about his cultivation half a year ago. It turns out they were wrong.

The Divine Soul Dao they are currently practicing was taught by Xiao Yu. Therefore, they were not so shocked that Xiao Yu was able to improve his cultivation so quickly, but rather marveled at the power of Divine Soul Dao.

Yes, this formation is the result of Lin Zhi's magic formation.

Lin Zhihuan Array is a combination of living creatures and wood arrays, and it has the ability to transform the energy breath between life and death.

What's more, when Xiao Yu released the Tianmu branches just now, he had already entangled the Tianmu branches.

In other words, through the branches of the sky tree, he not only confined the absorption ability on the trunk, but also released his own formation, restoring the land to its original state.

How could Qiu Qingrong and the others not know, a thousand meters away! What a huge and vast soul power is this?

This of course requires extremely large soul power to achieve this level.

But Xiao Yu didn't care about it at this time. The power of the soul could be stored for cultivation, but what he continued was the place of cultivation.

After a short while, the thousand meters ahead finally turned into a piece of green grass. The soul in Xiao Yu's mind was also consumed more than half. At this time, a feeling of fatigue came to his heart.

"Go and see."

Xiao Yu said, and then stepped up first, Qiu Qingrong and others saw it, looked at each other, and naturally followed quickly.

For so many years, except for the initial stage when the trunk stood there, no one at all could approach 300 meters inside, which was full of a sense of mystery.

This kind of mystery makes them want to find out what this trunk is, it is so magical.

Soon, everyone saw a ten-meter-high dead tree. There is nothing strange about the dead tree. Maybe they can’t sense what is extraordinary about the dead tree, or maybe it’s because their cultivation level is not enough. Know what is special in it.

However, Qiu Qingrong seemed to be thoughtful. Then, he was taken aback and said, "This...isn't this the'sacred tree' recorded in our Gu Nei ancient book?"

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