Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2100: Shenling Wood (Part 2)

"Shenling Wood?" Xiao Yu looked at them curiously.

This name, at first glance, knew that it was not a mortal thing. In Xiao Yu's view, perhaps this kind of thing shouldn't have appeared here.

After all, the world of Thirty Little Heavens was originally a split from the higher planes.

In this case, it is not surprising that this so-called God Spirit Wood is a thing of a higher plane.

Yu Chen looked closely, and immediately exclaimed: "Gu Master, what you said is really a bit like the record on the'Elixir Chart', but this dead tree seems to be smaller than the record."

"It seems to be small, but the shape and outline are very similar. Basically, the things recorded by the ancient valley masters have existed in the valley, or they were encountered outside by the outside world. This sacred tree is very likely to be The legendary **** spirit wood."

"What is God Spirit Wood?" Xiao Yu asked.

Qiu Qingrong said: "The **** spirit wood is actually a kind of tree in the **** world. Even if it drops a branch, it will grow into a **** spirit wood. I heard that the life of the **** spirit wood is at least tens of thousands of years. To a certain extent, there will be a'spirit wood core' in the **** spirit wood. This is where the **** spirit wood is born. This **** spirit wood is very likely to have been born."

Yu Chen also echoed: "I understand, since the Shenling Wood wants to incubate the spiritual intelligence, it needs a lot of life energy. Our Hundred Medicine Valley provides this energy."

"Then how to explain, why in the past few years, after the space is unstable, this speed of drawing life force will accelerate?" Another elder asked questioningly.

At this time, even Qiu Qingrong, none of them came out.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, and said, "It is the power of the law of plane space."

Several people looked at Xiao Yu together, and couldn't help being surprised.

The power of the law of space is said to be the strongest type of power in the Nine Heavens World. It requires extremely powerful cultivation to be able to sense and contact.

In the world of thirty small heavens, unless it is a strong person at the top, like the sect master of the seven sects, their strength is enough to break through the law of space and cause a crack in the space, but this is already at the top.

Ordinary people didn't say anything about the power of the law of space.

It was the empty sky formation obtained by Zhan Xiaoyu Hospital by coincidence that allowed her to comprehend a little bit of the power of the law of space in the way of soul.

The Profound Sky Array in Xiao Yu's Empty Array Secret Art is also based on the same principle.

Therefore, it is possible to know what the so-called law of space is when thinking of such a powerful force as Baiyaogu, and it is precisely because they know that they are shocked. Why is this phenomenon of Shen Lingmu related to the power of the law of space?

According to what Rhubarb had said to him, Xiao Yu explained: "Every plane is bound by the laws of space. It is very difficult to break through, but there are two ways to achieve a certain level of strength, and one is to practice the laws of space. Power is another kind. But as you can see, when the power reaches a certain level, only the seven sect masters can attack at the same time, maybe it is possible to tear a little space, the power that broke out in the battle of two planes a thousand years ago , Which shook all the thirty-six small worlds, this is also a situation; as for the power of cultivating the laws of space, this power is too advanced, and the lower planes are almost non-existent."

"Then what do you have to say?" an elder asked.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and said, "Relationship is back to what we said at the beginning, the instability of space."

"The God Spirit Wood is a very spiritual thing. It is located here. It has not been awakened for so many years. It is because of the power of the laws of the plane here that it oppresses and allows it to hide in the Spirit Wood core, as you have seen. , The instability of the space in the past few years has led to the weakening of the law of the plane, the pressure smiles, and the spiritual wisdom in the spiritual wood core begins to awaken!"

Qiu Qingrong thought of something, and his face changed drastically: "In other words, the abnormal change of the God Spirit Wood proves that this plane will be more unstable and turbulence in the near future!"

Everyone’s heart sank, and the space of the Zongmen World was unstable, which proved that the space cracks between the world and the Black Cliff world would intensify and break!


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