Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2166: Haotian Fist

Mi Qingyu was flushed with anger.

For a long time, the Clear Sky Sect was hovering at the end of the Seven Sects. In these years, if the Xiaoyao Sect had not fallen, how could the Clear Sky Sect have a chance to rise?

It is true that, to a certain extent, the main reason for the rise of the Clear Sky School is internal factors.

However, if the Xiaoyao Sect is not declining, the assessment difficulty is not increased, and the training resources are short, how can most of the disciples choose the Clear Sky School in the Seven Sect Assessment Conference?

This is also one of the reasons for the rise of Clear Sky School.

However, this does not mean that Clear Sky School has no strength.

Especially Mi Qingyu, how could his six levels of good fortune cultivation, his pride, and his self-esteem be trampled at will?

"Do you want to see the ability of my Clear Sky School? Okay, I'll let you feel it in advance! Clear Sky Fist!"

Mi Qingyu knew very well in his heart that the guy on the opposite side was absolutely terrifying, and that was an offensive approaching the triple level of Good Fortune Realm!

But the family was beheaded in a flash!

And he knew very well in his heart that the energy on the stone platform had been emptied by him for this year’s assessment, and he needed to start to drain the energy hidden in the stone platform before he could fight against Xiao Yu. , And even kill Xiao Yu, otherwise others in the Haotian Sect would have no way to deal a fatal blow to Xiao Yu, it would only make Xiao Yu even more arrogant.

Along with Mi Qingyu's roar, he hit it with a fist from afar, and an invisible vibration produced a huge ripple in the space he hit.

Immediately after that, a bright light burst out on the stone platform on which he was standing, and countless energies rushed out like a violent storm and gathered on the fist he hit.

The semi-transparent fist pose invisibly emits a burst of energy that destroys the world. At the moment when the fist pose is formed, the entire world of assessment has a kind of shaking.

"What kind of spiritual skill is this?" Some teenagers looked shocked.

In their impression, the strongest in the secular world is the purple rank spirit skill. Since the person on the opposite side is a seemingly elder-level person from the Clear Sky School, he is definitely using a powerful force than the purple rank spirit skill. attack.

But now they seem to be wrong, this is not only a powerful and unmatched spiritual skill, but also a move capable of destroying the world.

This feeling is far more terrifying and shocking than the situation in which Xiao Yu killed Zhang Binxu and the others with his hand just now.

"Is this magic power..."

Only Ye Xuan's eyes showed a fiery and fascinating color.

What purple rank spiritual skills, what yellow rank magical powers, in his opinion, at the moment Mi Qingyu urged him to come out, seemed too small to be seen.

This punch is enough to shake the entire assessment world!

Countless winds roared out, Mi Qingyu mobilized the huge energy hidden on the stone platform, and used a technique comparable to the supernatural powers of heaven.

That fist seemed to gather thousands of powers, and on the translucent fist style, it finally turned into a huge fist that seemed to be materialized.


That punch was like an angry dragon going out to sea, a tiger roaring, with Mi Qingyu's strong killing intent, and containing the aura and oppression accumulated over the past thousand years, it suddenly swept out.

Wherever the fist passed, there was a long trace that looked like a **** on the ground.

On the way, countless air, flying sand, and walking rocks dragged out a tornado tail like a tornado, shaking the space fiercely, and slammed towards Xiao Yu.

Wu Zhen on the other end felt the offensive of Mi Qingyu, and was frightened.

Because he could clearly sense that the entire plane space, because of Mi Qingyu's move, caused a violent shock.

"This attack has already reached the strongest strike of the Five Powers of Good Fortune Realm!"

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