Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2167: Sword Slash Haotian Fist

As one of the casual cultivators in the sect world, Wu Zhen knew very well what Mi Qingyu's position in the Haotian Sect represented.

This person is regarded as a person who has witnessed the Vast Sky School from weak to strong, and the six levels of good fortune realm's cultivation base makes him not a lower level of literary warfare in realm strength.

Speaking of it, although the Vast Sky Sect has nothing to do with others, many disciples of the disciples are geniuses of awakening weapons, such as the **** pattern, such as Jia Chen, Lu Guobin, even Jiang Tianyu, and even the contemporary Sect Master of the Vast Sky, Which is not the weapon **** pattern that astounds the world?

However, Clear Sky Sect has always given people the feeling that it is ordinary, there is no big surprise, but it can't be underestimated by Clear Sky Sect.

Especially this great elder of the Clear Sky School, Mi Qingyu!

Wu Zhen began to worry, if this punching force really resisted, Xiao Yu would probably be unable to catch it!

Everyone in the sect world knows Xiao Yu's ability to leapfrog battles, especially the battle at the replacement meeting, which shocked countless people.

"He doesn't summon the golden coffin, is he going to use swordsmanship to counter Mi Qingyu's move?"

Wu Zhen's thoughts fell on Xiao Yu's body, he saw that, facing the surging fist style, Xiao Yu actually had a calm expression on his face, without any fear.

Under the mountain, when Mi Qingyu finally used the strongest killer move, several elders were cold-eyed, but, except for Zhu Ying's evil heart and Xiao Yu, the others had no good expressions.

They don't like Clear Sky School, but it is undeniable that Mi Qingyu's cultivation is really strong.

If someone from the outside world knew that a great elder of the Clear Sky School had actually shot at a junior, that would definitely shock many people.

Although at this moment Mi Qingyu was not enough to display the strongest cultivation realm because of the fact that his physical body was not here, but this skill Haotian Fist was already regarded as one of the Haotianzong's strongest heavenly supernatural powers!

Back to the place of assessment.

Seeing the powerful fist approach getting closer, Xiao Yu's figure twisted slightly, and the Seven-Star Sword he was holding in his hand burst into expression.

A bright ray of light flashed across his eyes suddenly. This ray of light resembled a flying hung in a calm and secluded pool; it was also like a ghost walking in the snow without a trace in the severe cold and heat.

"The third type, Meteor Star·Hood!"

At this moment, the Seven-Star Sword finally showed its might, and countless sword auras raged up, forming a cloud of starlight.

That starlight cloud turned into a sword net on the spot, containing the murderous intent of being messy and vast into the starry sky.

Seeing such a sword net, Mi Qingyu's heart jumped in the distance.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

The energy fluctuation caused by this sword style has surpassed his Haotian Fist!

Mi Qingyu couldn't believe it at all, why can a young boy urge such a sword style that destroys the world?

However, Xiao Yu really did it.

The sword-style ultimate move contained in the Seven-Star Sword is simply not enough to be measured by the so-called realm and supernatural power rank in the sect world.

Because the Seven-Star Sword is not only the sword of a mighty one, but also an existence that cuts through everything, and even the endless starry sky can be overshadowed by it.

The sword net like flowing clouds, like drawing a knife and breaking water, accompanied by the improvement of Xiao Yu's cultivation level, it was a bit stronger than the sword intent that he showed when he was in the Western Region of the Tomb last time.


Jian Wang immediately smashed that punch. This sword shattered Mi Qingyu's pride and also shook Haotianzong's position as the head of the so-called Seven Sects.

"not good!"

The sword net was like a ruin, and it drove straight in, covering Mi Qingyu on the spot.

At this moment, he finally realized what kind of abnormal existence he was facing.

He urged the five-fold energy offensive of the good fortune realm, but was smashed by the opponent's sword?

What is this concept?

"Boom boom boom!"

Mi Qingyu's heart was furious, his palms were like violent winds and waves, and hundreds of palm prints were shot one after another. That was the state of power he could mobilize to the extreme at this moment.

However, the sword net that resembled the starry sky of flowing clouds was like a **** of death who urged his life to death. It did not invade by all means, and completely wiped out all the offensives of Mi Qingyu.

Of course, no matter how much, Mi Qingyu is the great elder of the Haotian School. After he desperately urged his energy to resist, finally, the sword net was slowly offset, no longer advancing, leaving a nebula, slowly dispersing go with.

Mi Qingyu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but who knew that in front of him, a vague shadow magnified in his eyes, broke through the nebula, and killed him with a sword.

Mi Qingyu's pupils suddenly shrank, and an unprecedented murderous intent suddenly enveloped his entire soul like cold water.

"Cut it again!"

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