Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2174: Baiyao Valley Retreat

Xiao Yu returned to Hundred Medicine Valley. The first thing he had to do was to practice in retreat in nature.

If it weren't for the seven sect assessment, just a few days after he reached the Hundred Medicine Valley, Xiao Yu was already in retreat at this time.

And his main purpose for this retreat was to face the Seven Sect Trial Conference.

Only two or three months was the beginning of the trial meeting. Xiao Yu had to accumulate more strength before he could truly gain a foothold in the trial meeting. This was Xiao Yu's fundamental goal.

It is true that with his current cultivation realm, the peak of the heavenly spirit realm, if he tried his best and used all his energy, he could indeed squeeze into the super genius and even fight against Jiang Tianyu.

But this is not what Xiao Yu thought.

With his current height, he doesn't need to prove his strength among those geniuses.

His eyes were already at the level of Wen Zhan and beyond.

Because he knew that the sect world was about to face the great master of Black Cliff Sect!

Xiao Yu sang all the way and fought all the way to this level of the so-called swanfinch's ambition. The more he contacts, his eyes will not be on the same level as himself, or even just a little higher than himself.

Since he wants to break through this plane and go to a larger plane world, then he must not be satisfied with the present, and his eyes must be farther away.

And without breaking through to the realm of good fortune, it would be impossible to truly rank among the top powerhouses.

Xiao Yu returned to Hundred Medicine Valley, and no one could disturb him during his retreat.

And Xiao Yu came alone to the place where the desolate God Spirit Wood was.

Still driving the Lin Zhi Huan Array and the Living Wood Array, Xiao Yu approached the Shen Ling Wood.

"This life energy is really huge."

Even if it was the second time here, Xiao Yu still sighed with the huge vitality of this **** spirit tree, and it was indeed not comparable to an ordinary spirit creature.

Fortunately, the **** spirit wood has been sealed off by Xiao Yu with the branches of the sky wood **** formation. Otherwise, if he retreats, because the formation needs to be continuously used, the soul power will definitely be consumed, which will affect his retreat.

With a movement of his mind, the branches of the sky tree spread out in his mind as if they were flowering and fruiting, and then went deep into the gods.

After a while, a turquoise light ball floated out of the God Spirit Wood.

"Spirit Wood Core!"

"The Lord Qiu Gu said it is really good, the essence of the spirit wood core is so huge!"

Xiao Yu seemed a little surprised and surprised.

The spirit wood core is something that has existed for tens of thousands of years, or even a hundred thousand years.

Although Qiu Qingrong and the others said this lesson of the God Spirit Wood is different from the record, even so, the energy essence that has been hidden for tens of thousands of years, the degree of that huge energy is not covered.

"It's really scary. The energy contained in the essence of the heavens and the earth here is even dozens of times larger than the bone pill I swallowed last time."

Gu Pei Pill was just a fifth-rank top-level spirit pill, Xiao Yu's cultivation base at that time literally exceeded three levels.

Naturally, this quintessence of heaven and earth has tens of thousands of years of life, and the magnitude of energy is naturally unimaginable.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu flipped his hand and a red spirit pill appeared, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

This spirit pill is impressively a sixth-grade spirit pill!

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