Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2175: Spirit Wood Core Spirit Liquid (Part 1)

At the time when Xiao Yu was at the peak of his spiritual realm, he dared to swallow the five-rank top spirit pill pill bone pill. At that time, it was five months of retreat, which made him take a big risk.

But he knew it was worth it.

But now, as long as his cultivation level breaks through to the level of good fortune, he can use the spirit pill to improve his cultivation level again, not to mention, before this, he still has the essence of the gods.

It can be said that Xiao Yu was full of confidence in participating in the Seven Sect Trial Conference.

Although the Seven Sect Trial Conference and Jianbei Mountain’s Sword Enlightenment Conference are held every five years, the Jianbei Mountain is more of the Jian Xiu family. It is held by Xuanjian Pavilion itself. It is impossible to compete with the Seven Sects. The Trial Conference spoke on the same day.

And Xiao Yu seemed to have become more and more expectant.

"It seems that the spiritual wisdom of this spiritual wood core has not been awakened enough, otherwise how could it be taken out by me at will." Xiao Yu said secretly.

Because the space of this plane was relatively stable in previous years, the awakening speed of the **** spirit wood, which swallowed the surrounding life, was very slow.

Only in the past two years, because the space cracks have caused the instability of the entire plane, the **** spirit wood has accelerated the ability to absorb life, and thus began to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

But no matter how to put it again, a sacred tree that has been tens of thousands of years old was forced to hide Lingzhi because of the oppression of the laws of space. This Lingzhi is only a few years old at most, and is still growing. How can I treat Xiao? Is Yu who possesses the Heavenly Wood God Array Diagram resistant?

"My physical body tends to be in a state of strength, but if I absorb the spiritual wood core at this moment, then the recovery speed of my physical power will definitely increase a lot. The endless power will prevent him from feeling tired and can Improve my continuous combat effectiveness."

The power of the physical body has always been considered the simplest and most primitive power, and it is also the power that Xiao Yu most loves to use.

It can be said that the different types of physical powers such as the wolf demon battle, the wild bull tyrant body, and the power of the purple forest all the way, let Xiao Yu enjoy it, and feel a hearty feeling.

That kind of feeling, it was as if in Xiao Yu's blood, the gods just enjoyed this fighting instinct.

Apart from anything else, Xiao Yu just started to absorb this spirit wood core.

He sat cross-legged in this piece of woods that had been transformed into vitality because of the forest fantasy formation, and the spirit wood core was suspended in front of him.

That kind of extremely pure life force soon diffused out.

The invisible energy fluctuations are like ocean waves, and the waves come out.

That invisible energy slowly turned into a tender green, and then turned into grass green again.

The countless green energy mists turned out to be condensed into the shape of water droplets, and each drop contained an incomparably huge life force.

Within a hundred radius, Xiao Yu seemed to be enveloped by a rain.

The difference is that the raindrops under this rain are still and the color is dark green.

If such a drop of energy essence is absorbed by an ordinary person, it can instantly break through the acquired and enter the innate realm, without even transitioning.

If it is absorbed by ordinary old people, it can increase the lifespan of at least a few years. This is the benefit of life force.

Life is the foundation of all living beings. The power of life can be said to be higher than the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

And if you wash the house, these raindrops are thousands of drops!


Suddenly, one of the raindrops suddenly exploded...

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