Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2181: Xiao Yu's physical changes

Xiao Yu's eyes abruptly opened, bursts of light flashed.

If you look inside at this time, you can see that his blood, internal organs, and even his flesh and blood, bones, are covered with a faint halo.

You know, Xiao Yu's original physical body is extraordinary.

Even if the realm of good fortune is based on the nine-fold tempered physical body, the physical body of his heavenly spirit realm has surpassed many people in the realm of good fortune.

Xiao Yu woke up and clenched his fist. The feeling of fullness made him feel that there was something completely different here.

The feeling of fullness is not a feeling of increasing strength. After all, the process of creating a realm is to consolidate and temper the flesh, thereby making one's flesh stronger and stronger.

However, Xiao Yu felt that his body was undergoing a degeneration, and this feeling was not so strong from the moment he broke through to the first level of good fortune, until he used the flames and fire spirit pills to make breakthroughs one after another. This feeling is stronger.

Of course, if Xiao Yu's leaping forward posture were known to others, his jaw would fall in shock.

It was a sixth-rank spirit pill that only the fifth level of the good fortune realm could dare to swallow. Now Xiao Yu could dare to swallow it at the first level of the good fortune realm.

And the realm of good fortune is the lowest realm, which can break through three levels, which is also expected.

The four levels of good fortune are naturally not Xiao Yu's goal.

With a move of thought, Xiao Yu returned to the outside of the Shenling Wood again.

At this time, the **** spirit wood, without the support of the spirit wood core, had already withered and turned into a piece of broken wood.

There are still two-thirds of the green droplets suspended in the air.

"Now I have broken through to the fourth level of the good fortune realm. The total energy level of this spiritual liquid should be enough for me to break through at least two levels." Xiao Yu thought to himself.

Regardless of what seems to be left two-thirds of the soul fluid, there seems to be a lot of it.

But to see what realm Xiao Yu was in now, and what realm he had absorbed before.

It is like a big bucket of rice, a child may take three days to finish it.

But when the child eats for one day, if he suddenly changes to an adult, then the remaining food that was originally suitable for the child for two days may be wiped out in front of this adult.

The higher the level, the more energy is naturally required.

Of course, Xiao Yu had already planned it before.

Then he continued to retreat.

Time was still passing day by day, and Xiao Yu's eyes, whether it was hair or eyebrows, turned out to be brighter than before.

It feels like the clear green lake water in the dark, and it looks like a newly born life form in the beginning of chaos.

Xiao Yu's entire skin was covered with a faint halo. If it weren't for his appearance and outline, he would really think that he had grown out of the ground.

Surrounded by a green light, it looks like a fairyland on earth, and like an April sky on earth.

Xiao Yu, like an old monk, just sat cross-legged on the ground. The grass on the ground had long been nourished crazily by the breath of this spiritual liquid.

A patch of greenery, a patch of spring flowers blooming, and even Xiao Yu blending into it, seemed so natural.

At this time, not far away, Qiu Qingrong and others had long been attracted by this breath of life force.

A few of them looked at Xiao Yu hundreds of meters away, and their eyes were moved.

"This... is this the legendary spirit body?" Qiu Qingrong couldn't help but exclaimed.


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