Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2182: The Theory of Spirit (Part 1)

There are many things that are known, unknown, imaginable, and unimaginable in the ubiquitous nine-day world.

The spirit body in Qiu Qingrong's mouth is such a rare awakening thing in the world.

The so-called spirit body is naturally something between heaven and earth that focuses on attributes.

Once this kind of spiritual body is awakened, whether it is absorbing the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, or controlling the power of this spiritual body, there will be a kind of double the result with half the effort, and even the increase of power.

Cultivation takes the body as a container, and this container can absorb everything.

To be more precise, this kind of container is miscellaneous and not refined.

Therefore, there are any cultivation techniques, spiritual skills, and supernatural powers that can be cultivated.

To a certain extent, this kind of miscellaneous "dao body" is inferior to the spirit body, because the spirit body basically has only one direction.

In other words, only when the owner of the spirit body moves in this direction can he stimulate the cultivation instinct and potential of this spirit body to the greatest extent.

The spiritual body and the spiritual root are two completely different things.

People with spiritual bodies may not be able to awaken the spiritual roots.

Relatively speaking, spiritual root is a kind of foundation, a kind of talent potential, it is suitable for any cultivator, and has no necessary relationship with spiritual body.

But if a person with a spirit body awakens the spirit root, then such a person is definitely the most terrifying talent potential in the Nine Heavens World.

But God is fair, the emergence of spiritual roots is already extremely rare, it is not known how many billion people will awaken one.

As for the spirit body, relatively speaking, there are many types, and there are not many people who possess the spirit body. Of course, this is relative to the spiritual root.

For example, when Chaos first opened and Pangu opened up the world, the earliest power attributes in the world were the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and then, the attributes of the five elements evolved and mutated into many attributes, and then there were spirit bodies with various attributes.

An elder was amazed: "Isn't the spirit body only talking about the innate spirit body? But this kind of aura, and the state of Xiao Yu, doesn't exist innately!"

The legend of the spirit body is rarely recorded in ancient books, but basically, the spirit body is like a spiritual root and has a **** pattern, which is congenital awakening.

The so-called congenital awakening means being born with it, but being stimulated under certain circumstances, awakening is like a **** pattern.

But looking at Xiao Yu's situation where even his physical body had turned green, and their previous understanding of Xiao Yu, they knew that Xiao Yu would certainly not have a spirit body, but this situation was so strange.

"Is it an acquired spirit body?" Yu Chen's face was full of surprise.

The awakened spirit body is simply unheard of.

"Even if it is a spiritual body that is awakened the day after tomorrow, it is not surprising. Thinking about our plane, even the spiritual root hasn't even heard of one, of course there will be no spiritual body." Qiu Qingrong said for granted.

And if he, or even the people in the entire sect world, knew that there was actually one person in the seven sect assessment world who had awakened the spiritual roots, that would definitely be beyond shock.

Yu Chen stared at the front, enviously saying: "Even if it is the spiritual root that is awakened the day after, but if it is really successful, then Xiao Yu's potential and talent will not be raised to the next level?"

Qiu Qingrong thoughtfully said: "On the contrary, I feel that Xiao Yu's talent is actually more inclined to assist. Because he awakens, it is very likely that it is the life spirit of the wood system."


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