Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2201: If you don’t get out, even you will kill

The two true biography disciples who helped Lu Boyuan up were facing Xiao Yu far away in the front, glaring at them, and there was a gesture of wanting to eat Xiao Yu inside.

The one who spoke just now was surprisingly the true master disciple of the Clear Sky School, whose cultivation base was under Jiang Tianyu, whose name was Wu Zhuo, and was a fourfold cultivation base of good fortune realm.

At this time, Lu Boyuan felt cold in his heart. He felt that his own **** pattern was greatly broken, and the connection was very weak.

His whole thoughts are silent, his face is as gray as death, and his mouth is full of blood, more like a walking dead.

The prefecture-level first-grade **** pattern, that is his pride!

But now, in an instant, all his pride was shattered in an instant.

Connecting to his cultivation base, he also fell into the bottom.

Xiao Yu sneered and said: "It's like an ant. I thought I wanted to kill me because of the prefecture-level first-grade **** pattern, and I didn't see what I was capable of. Next time I asked for trouble, I had better wash my neck, and I stay He has a dog's life and he wants him to remember that I, Xiao Yu, are not the soft persimmon of a year ago, and I am not the object of letting you knead! Go!"

Xiao Yu yelled, and a burst of vigor spread out. That kind of aura of heaven and earth shook past like a violent wind and big waves. In an instant, Wu Zhuo and another true biography disciple swayed from side to side, and abandoned it. It takes time to stabilize the figure.

"Xiao Yu, you..." Wu Zhuo's face was blue and purple.

The disciples on this side of Xiaoyao Men suddenly felt very happy, and the look in Xiao Yu's eyes showed a look of fascination and worship.

"If you don't get out, even you will be killed." Xiao Yu said coldly.

He seemed to be speaking plain and unremarkable, but in his words, that hair-thin and chilling gesture completely enveloped Wu Zhuo and their hearts.

They endured their anger, especially Wu Zhuo, gritted their teeth and said: "Xiao Yu! Don't really think we are afraid of you. Until the Seven Sect Trial Conference, I hope you can survive!"

In this case, Wu Zhuo and the others were of course not completely afraid of Xiao Yu.

On the one hand, they have to estimate Lu Boyuan, and on the other hand, they have to estimate that there are so many people present, even the disciples of the Clear Sky School are watching here.

Of course, they are certainly not afraid of losing this private fight with their own strength.

But their purpose is the trial meeting of the seven sects. If the trouble is too ugly, then it will be damaged, and there is no need to participate in the trial meeting.

Moreover, Lu Boyuan's shame was really too great. They were shocked by Xiao Yu's cultivation base, and it was unwise to make a haste.

Having said that, they just arrived at the place of their own sect.

Han Yi was also relieved, looking far away at Cui Yuan coldly.

Of course, Cui Yuan's face was ugly to the extreme.

This was a personal grievance between the disciples, and it was also caused by Lu Boyuan. Of course he could shoot, but if he did, it would be too ugly.

The dignified Haotian Sect has no tolerance.

But having said that, if you don't make a move, more than five hundred Clear Sky School disciples are watching, how can they be convinced?

How could Xiao Yu and Han Yi not know this truth?

Even Ye Xuan, who had an extraordinary disposition, knew that it would not end so easily at this time, staring at the person at the beginning.

Cui Yuan is not easy to come forward and speak, so there is only one person, yes, Jiang Tianyu.

Xiao Yu turned his head and finally began to look directly at the figure in the distance.

Jiang Tianyu!

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