Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2202: Royal Air Flight

Jiang Tianyu hasn't moved from beginning to end. What he moved is just the murderous intent, fighting intent, and interest in his heart.

Jiang Tianyu's gaze at this time, as if looking down at Xiao Yu in an arrogant attitude.

He carried his hands on his back and his clothes floated in the air. His cool and arrogant posture was indeed a genius.

Even if Xiao Yu used such a means to stun Lu Boyuan, he was still not too shocked.

Haotianzong was all looking at Jiang Tianyu.

Yes, they were waiting for Jiang Tianyu to come forward for them and teach Xiao Yu this man.

And they also know that here, only Jiang Tianyu can do this.

Sure enough, Jiang Tianyu stepped out one step.

Seeing this kind of sight, the children of Xiaoyaomen and the people watching the excitement in the sky all had a heartbeat.

Jiang Tianyu was standing on the head of the flying monster, he stepped out with this foot, and what was waiting for him was 10,000 meters in the sky!

And he doesn't seem to be flying!


Jiang Tianyu flew over in the direction of Xiao Yu.

"Fly in the air!"

Han Yi's face changed drastically, not just him, even those onlookers who looked up.

Go flying!

So far, almost only the suzerain of the seven sects can do it.

Because only after the baptism of the sect and the inheritance of the sect master can he have this ability.

Ordinary people, unless the former Xiaoyao Sect master like Wen Zhan, and the first strong under the seven super talented masters, those who can fly in the air, it is absolutely difficult to find the second one.

Maybe, Zhao Xin also has this ability, but when he really saw the heroic attitude of Jiang Tianyu's flying in the air, countless people were stunned.

This is the super genius that Clear Sky School claims to be born in a century!

Flying in the air, that has to be an insight into the laws of planes, to what extent can one's own power reach such a situation?

It is true that for Jiang Tianyu, a super genius, Xiao Yu has always looked forward to seeing him.

But Jiang Tianyu's ability to fly in the air really surprised him.

Of course, Xiao Yu was just a little surprised, not at all surprised.

It is not surprising that a super genius like Jiang Tianyu possesses abilities different from ordinary people.

Moreover, Xiao Yu could clearly feel that Jiang Tianyu was very different from the geniuses he had encountered.

This person was extremely calm and composed. Although his eyes also contained killing intent, it was more of the kind of fighting intent that was so strong that even Xiao Yu could feel it.

This kind of fighting spirit has nothing to do with anger or hatred, but just the kind of eagerness to win when seeing an equal opponent.

Of course, Xiao Yu certainly wouldn't think Jiang Tianyu would say hello to himself if he took it for granted.

Jiang Tianyu reached a place ten meters away in front of Xiao Yu. The indifference to the extreme, the attitude of observing everything, not even focusing on Xiao Yu, made everyone in the sky quiet.

One is the most recent world celebrity of the Zongmen, the enchanting genius of Xiaoyaomen, who doesn't care about anyone.

One is quiet and quiet, and has always been without struggle or fight, but he became famous very early and was passed on as the future master of the Haotian School.

No one is not expecting the encounter between the two great geniuses. That is the top genius standing in the world of Zongmen!

And it's a test between the old and new genius, the first sect of the old and the new.

"Xiao Yu, you are very good."

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