Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2235: The dangers of Yunpeng Island

I haven't noticed it from the outside. The more I entered Yunpeng Island, Xiao Yu was surprised to find that the sky inside turned out to be a grayish white, as if there were still clouds and mist in the sky.

But a large cloud of grayish-white mist, as if the posture of black clouds pressing down on the city, made people breathless.

"It seems that Yunpeng Island is still a space of higher planes, and the law here is very powerful."

Xiao Yu looked up at the sky, looking thoughtful.

It is said to be an independent plane, but because it is in the lower planes, there is a fusion of laws, especially when the clouds and mist dissipate, everyone is like stepping on the flat bottom of the sect world, there is no difference.

However, as sharp as Xiao Yu, he still found some subtle differences.

It is true that this independent spatial continent can enter it without going through the nine-fold physical body tempering of the good fortune realm, but the pressure of that kind of law exists all the time.

As long as it reaches the level of good fortune, it can be clearly sensed.

"I haven't gotten deep inside yet. I don't know how much the oppression of that law will reach if I get deep inside?"

It is said that the clouds and mist on Yunpeng Island have dissipated, even if it is not a good fortune realm, you can enter it.

But inside Yunpeng Island, there are still strong laws oppressing, so this is the time to test the cultivation base and realm.

Only when the realm and cultivation base are high enough can they go deep inside and have more opportunities to obtain greater opportunities.

And Xiao Yu was already a little impatient.

He couldn't wait because he wanted to go deep inside, because that was the oppression of the laws of higher planes he dreamed of!

Although his cultivation realm has not yet reached the level of breaking through the nine levels of good fortune realm, but he can have the opportunity to come into contact with that kind of oppression in advance, who is not excited?

It's like always longing to go to a place far, far away, even thinking about it in a dream, now I have the opportunity to set foot in that place in advance, feel the feeling, and ask no one is unwilling.

Although the sky was grayish white and there was still pressure coming from it, Xiao Yu was still urging his body to walk forward.

No matter how big Yunpeng Island is, there is still a week to set foot, so there is no need to worry.

Thousands of people, teams in twos and threes, and they didn't have a brain to attack inside.

Yunpeng Island seems to be filled with immortality, but for so many years, it has been said to be so dangerous, and naturally it cannot be underestimated.

"It is said that you can enter it without the physical strength of the creation realm, but even so, I feel a kind of pressure."

"Yeah, I always feel as if someone is staring at me. Is it my illusion?" One of them frowned, taking advantage of it.

"Huh! Coward like a mouse, what chance do you want to get just like this? Go back and wash and sleep." One of the solitary San Xiu smiled contemptuously, and went straight to the mountain range.

But this person hasn't walked a hundred meters yet. When passing a big tree, suddenly, several roots of that big tree, like countless poisonous snakes, instantly entangled this person's body, and then he took this The person was dragged into the ground, and the person died without even having time to scream.

The people around were all exclaimed, their faces pale, is this the crisis of Yunpeng Island!

One who is not paying attention will take away the life of the person!

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