Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2236: Strange monster phenomenon (part 1)

"Deserve it!"

The few people who had been teased by that person just now sneered.

Before coming, their fellow brothers had already said that the Seven Sect Trial Conference seemed to have many opportunities, but the dangers were more, the strength was not strong, or the strength was not enough, it was best to form a team and not act rashly.

Because if there are many people, they can help each other.

And some of the people who saw this scene were pale, and seemed to stop moving in it.

It is true that the man underestimated the enemy's arrogance and ignored the danger, but this did not exactly explain the danger of Yunpeng Island, how great it is?

And now I just entered Yunpeng Island!

Some timid people seemed afraid to go forward, bypassing the front, and heading in other directions.

The scene just now was captured by Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu did not fluctuate much.

When the man moved forward, he was already moved.

He also came from the assessment of seven sects. Although that kind of barrier is completely different from here, Xiao Yu is not the kind of person who used only blood and courage to break into the world.

In addition, Xiao Yu didn't worry about any dangers he would encounter here.

After being baptized by the Bai Yaogu Lingmu Core, Xiao Yu, who possessed a life spirit, could not escape his discovery, even a small grass.

There was a mountain range ahead, but Xiao Yu was still walking forward in a leisurely manner.

Of course, those disciples who were still in the same place, worried about Xiao Yu's identity, were all staring at Xiao Yu closely.

It happened that Xiao Yu's route was exactly the same as that taken by the person just now, and everyone thought of it.

What does this guy do? Are you going to challenge the "tree monster" just now?

Sure enough, when Xiao Yu passed the big tree, countless roots swarmed out from below the ground, like thousands of poisonous snakes, swarming towards Xiao Yu, as if history was repeating itself.

However, Xiao Yu's leisurely posture was not at all nervous. He stretched out his hand and waved it lightly. A soft strong wind blew by, and a strange scene appeared.

The dense roots of the poisonous snake tree instantly solidified in the air, and then all withered, and then turned into debris all over the ground.

But Xiao Yu walked ahead, his figure looming, and then disappeared from the sight of everyone.


They were completely stunned, Xiao Yu's ability, unexpectedly come to such a situation?

It seemed that all creatures were under Xiao Yu's control, and they withered without even attacking. This was definitely the most incredible they had ever seen.

Maybe this is a super genius?

In fact, the several attack powers just now were not at the level of the Earth Spirit Realm at best, and the young kid that came with him just now had a cultivation base that only reached the Human Spirit Realm.

Human spiritual realm is indeed very strong, but because it is arrogant and complacent, underestimating the enemy's arrogance, what is it not to seek death?

Xiao Yu, who was born with a spirit body, would bow to him as long as there were living creatures.

Of course, the innate spirit body is not omnipotent, the spirit body is more to help the cultivation and give Xiao Yu other auxiliary abilities.

Just now it was Xiao Yu who urged the phantom formation of life and death to switch between his thoughts.

Therefore, Xiao Yu didn't care at all.

In front, there is an endless range of mountains, with ridges on top of each other.

After walking for about a few hours, there were some small monsters that didn't get in the way, or sudden attacks, etc., but for Xiao Yu, it was a piece of cake and didn't take it to heart.

"Strange, the monster level here is too low, right?"

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