Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2237: Strange monster phenomenon (part 2)

Xiao Yu couldn't help but stopped. The monster beasts he encountered just now were all third and fourth level.

Level three or four, what kind of level is that? That is equivalent to the four realms of foundation building!

On the huge Yunpeng Island, such a monster of level three or four appeared? Isn't this strange?

In any case, they are all continent plates of higher planes. In Xiao Yu's impression, they are at least level six monsters.

After all, this place is surrounded by the sea, no monsters in the water will enter, and even less monsters from other land will enter here.

Along the way, there were all monsters in the mountains that could be killed with one finger, which made Xiao Yu even more strange.

"Could it be the cubs of those monster beasts?"

The reason why Xiao Yu thinks so now is because he didn't pay attention just now. In his mind, he felt that there was little fluctuation in his breath, so he killed him casually. Thinking about it now, it seems that it is not the same thing.

He discovered that those monsters were basically not monsters in the sect world, that is to say, they came from higher planes.


At this point, Xiao Yu came under the jungle hillside, and on the hillside, there was an extremely powerful aura.

Xiao Yu's heart picked up, a level six monster?

If it were an ordinary six-level monster, he would not be so surprised. The key is that the six-level aura is very heavy, and the entire 100-meter-long hillside is enveloped by that fierce aura.

There were also people in twos and threes here. As soon as they felt that kind of breath, when they looked up, they were all frightened and turned pale and went around.

But Xiao Yu was the kind of person who tended to walk towards Tiger Mountain. He swept up, slowed down, and got closer, finally seeing what the monster beast was.

It was a four-legged monster beast with black hair all over, with two feet on the head, and a fierce scent on the head. The whole body was huge, like a hill.

"Huh? There is a breath, but... why don't I get the slightest reaction when I approach it?"

This made Xiao Yu very surprised.

Ordinary monsters, especially this kind of level six monsters, step into a radius of 100 meters, or even hundreds of meters, will have a strong reaction.

That was their territory, and they were not allowed to invade, but when they came to the hillside, the monster was motionless.

"Is it a deep sleep?"

This reminded Xiao Yu of Xiaolong's sleeping state, and there was this kind of aura fluctuation on his body, and he was completely unaffected by the outside world.

Xiao Yu then looked around the hillside, but still didn't notice the reason.

Xiao Yu couldn't feel the dangerous aura of this monster beast at all, so he leaned very close, and sure enough, when he was very close.

"No, there is weirdness underground."

Xiao Yu seemed to have discovered some clues.

This monster beast was standing on all fours, and there seemed to be a strange wave under the ground, like this monster beast.

It was this kind of fluctuation that caused this monster beast to fall into such a deep sleep state.

This kind of fluctuation made Xiao Yu very surprised, because when he tried to use the sky tree branches to go deep into the ground, the sky tree branches were completely swallowed!

"It's really strange."

Xiao Yu couldn't tell the feeling of fluctuating aura, but he always felt that there was something weird inside Yunpeng Island.

"What kind of power is this? It can actually put the sixth-level monster beast into a deep sleep state?"

Xiao Yu seemed to want to continue to use the skywood branches to probe deeply, but after trying again, he gave up because Yunpeng Island was too big, and the more skywood branches he released, the more it would be swallowed.

"The land of the higher planes is really different from the lower planes. Even the branches of my sky tree cannot be detected for the time being."

Xiao Yu was puzzled and could only leave this hillside.

The sixth-level monster is indeed a good opponent for experience, but it is in a deep sleep state, even if it is killed, it will not be of any help to his own cultivation.

Then, Xiao Yu just continued to walk forward.

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