Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2238: Sixth-level monster

The size of Yunpeng Island was not something Xiao Yu could have imagined. In this way, Xiao Yu had walked dozens of miles, a full day.

Entering here is like entering a formation enchantment, there are still day and night in it.

But just like the situation during the day, they were all level three or four monsters, and the powerful monsters were asleep, so Xiao Yu didn't have to worry about the monsters being attacked at night.

During the day, he encountered a total of five six-level monsters in a row. The cultivation base of these monsters was roughly equivalent to the third or fourth level of the good fortune realm, and all types were not encountered in normal days.

It's hard to imagine, if these monsters really go crazy, how terrible it will be?

That's a monster of good fortune level!

Thousands of children can truly reach the level of good fortune, and the entire sect world is no more than 20 or 30 people!

Yes, that's true, young children of Good Fortune Realm are so rare.

Usually those who can achieve good fortune are enough to be called young geniuses.

And those who can reach the triple level of the good fortune realm can already squeeze into the ranks of the top ten super geniuses in the Zongmen world.

Twenty or thirty talented masters in the realm of good fortune, which one is not a proud existence.

Although the sixth-level monster is not very helpful to the experience, the beast spirit of the sixth-level monster can still be absorbed, because it is full of essence energy.

Moreover, if you can encounter a special kind of monster beast, like a monster beast like amethyst unicorn, then the reward will be great.

Basically, there are very few people who dare to face each other with the sixth-level monsters. Xiao Yu also encountered one or two in the middle, but when he saw Xiao Yu, they all avoided.

After all, apart from the existence of those super geniuses like Jiang Tianyu, who would dare to confront Xiao Yu head-on?

After the beast spirits of several level six monsters were refined, Xiao Yu benefited a bit.

"The sixth-level monster may be the lowest level existence in the higher planes, but for the people of the sect world, it is a great tonic."

Xiao Yu was somewhat surprised in it.

After all, the land of the higher planes and the cultivation method of the monster beasts are definitely different from the monster beasts of the lower planes.

Even if it is spiritual wisdom, Xiao Yu believes that it is much higher than that of lower planes. In this case, the understanding of cultivation and Taoism contained in the beast soul is of course a different harvest for himself. .

"Rhubarb is also from a higher plane. He can even utter people's words. I don't know if the real higher plane, the high-level monster beast, really turns into a human form? What will happen after turning into a human form? Like bloodhoof, half-orcs?"

Rhubarb and Xiao Yu said that once the realm of the monster beast reaches its limit, it can be transformed into a human form. That is an unimaginable existence!

Another example is Bloodhoof, which is a clan of desolate gods and cows, and it can be regarded as a half-human form. Then, isn't it a more terrifying existence in a true human form?

When he thought of this, Xiao Yu's heart was hot, but hot was hot, and it was not easy to talk about going to a higher plane.

The top priority now is this trial meeting.

After absorbing the consciousness and cultivation experience of some monster beasts in the beast soul, Xiao Yu felt that he had made slight progress towards the good fortune realm and the road of cultivation.

"This may be just the tip of the iceberg, I have to keep going."

The power of the laws of the space plane here has remained the same for a day. In other words, Xiao Yu is still within the scope of the oppression of the same laws. What he has to do now is to move forward.

As he walked, Xiao Yu sensed the sound of fighting in front of him.

"It seems a lot of people."

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