Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2255: The power of the strong

Qiongqi's answer made Xiao Yu feel a surprised look.

Can't kill it?

This monster is so confident?

However, he thought of how well Qiongqi was now, so he was also very surprised.

Is there really something magical in this monster beast?

You know, it only took a few hours to follow Xiao Yu.

At that time, one of Qungqi's wings was cut off, and such a situation still occurs now, it is simply unheard of!

Even if Xiao Yu used the strongest Six-Rank Spirit Pill or the power of his own life spirit body to heal his injuries, it would definitely not be possible for such an unbelievable result.

Xiao Yu also became interested, and said, "If I destroy your soul, body, and all, do you still have such confidence?"

A creature is originally composed of a body and soul, while a monster is a beast.

Even if the world of Nine Heavens has the ability to live and die, if the soul is gone, can the body be reborn?

Naturally it can't.

But who knows, Qiongqi sneered and said: "Boy, you are too tender! Do you really think that if the beast and soul are destroyed, it is completely equivalent to destruction? You are wrong. The great world of Nine Heavens How can the power of the capable person be able to spy out a little child like you."

Xiao Yu frowned and said, "You mean, even if the body and spirit are destroyed, there is a chance to reshape the soul?"

Zhao Xin was surprised when she heard that.

She was not as knowledgeable as Xiao Yu had Rhubarb by her side, always telling Xiao Yu about unthinkable things.

And even if Xiao Yu was in such a state and what he saw, heard, and knew, it was still impossible to accept this so-called state of immortality while the body and spirit were destroyed.


"The lower plane is the lower plane, boy, although I feel the extraordinary blood power in you, you are still too weak. When you reach a certain level, it is almost impossible for your physical body to be destroyed. "

Xiao Yu retorted: "If this is the case, the soul is destroyed, it is still impossible to exist in this world."

"Oh? What if you can fight the stars and reunite the souls? How much do you know about these mighty ones?"


Suddenly, Xiao Yu took a breath, as if he didn't quite believe what he heard.

The body can't be destroyed, he can still accept this, but if the soul can still be reshaped, then it is simply incredible.

You know, Xiao Yu is a soul cultivator!

He deeply knows what kind of status the soul means to a person.

The body and spirit are gone, the soul is already dissipated in the heavens and the earth, and the body is just a shell.

Qiongqi's statement simply subverted his theory.

However, Zhao Xin was still relatively calm, and snorted coldly: "What you said, maybe it is the strongest person in the Nine Heavens World that can have this ability."

Qiongqi said indifferently: "Yes, at that level, even a single look is enough to kill a person in the world. Between hands, the law of space controls at will, that is the strongest in the world."

Xiao Yu sneered: "In that case, what exactly do you want to express? You are not just a monster that has awakened the blood of the ancient monsters. Do you want to say that you can compare with that kind of existence?"

Qiongqi said disdainfully: "Who told you that I awakened the blood of the ancient monster beast?"

Xiao Yu's heart jumped, could it be...

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