Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2256: The secret of Qiongqi

He had guessed before that the ancient monster beast like Qiongqi on Yunpeng Island would definitely not appear casually.

Judging from the appearance of Qiongqi at that time, either Qiongqi awakened the blood of the ancient monsters, or because he was in this lower plane and was oppressed by the power of the law of space here, it degraded.

He suddenly thought that if he really awakened the bloodline of the ancient monster beast, then he wouldn't be able to spit out words easily!

Think about the bloodhoof, the leader of the ten directions, the cultivation base is so abnormal, but he is half-human and half-beast, and he can speak.

Looking at Rhubarb again, Xiao Yu felt that Rhubarb must be transformed into a human form, just because of the law of status.

And Qiongqi, listening to his voice, it was like an old guy, could it be that bloodline regressed?

"Huh! Boy, you thought about it too, yes, it's because I came here that my bloodline regressed! Otherwise, if my cultivation base is at my peak, do you think you can hurt me badly?"

Qiongqi looked at Xiao Yu's eyes, and there was a fierce light, that kind of unwillingness, showing its anger.

Xiao Yu really had very little knowledge of Qiongqi, but it was undeniable that the feeling of Qiongqi's blood was really special.

Even in Qiongqi's bloodline, it can be compared with a certain breath in Rhubarb.

Of course Rhubarb belongs to the Sirius family, a high-level group of monsters, and Qiongqi is more like an ancient monster, with only one head.

Regarding the degree of preciousness, it is impossible to say the same thing.

Xiao Yu suddenly calmed down, and said indifferently, "Unfortunately, you are no longer an ancient monster. You are just called a slightly stronger sixth-level monster here."

"Boy! What did you say!!!"

Qiongqi was furious, his head became more ferocious, and his hair was upside down.

The dignified ancient murderer Qiongqi, now he has fallen to his current position, is simply embarrassing.

But Xiao Yu didn't seem to have made arrangements at all.

He could kill Xungqi at that time, even if Xungqi can be restored to his full state, he can do the same.

However, Qiongqi, seeming to know that he has no chance of winning, let out a cold snort and put away his fierceness.

"Want to know the secret about me? Come with me."

After Qiongqi said, turning around was the first to enter the dark temple.

This was Xiao Yu's turn to startle again, and Qiongqi still hadn't told them secrets, that was for sure.

But what Xiao Yu thought was, why is this monster beast so kind?

Will there be any conspiracy?

But recalling the fierce light in Qiongqi's eyes, it didn't seem to be any conspiracy at all!

Because killing Xiao Yu and Zhao Xin, what good would this have for Qiongqi?

Although Qiongqi is a monster called a man-eating monster, can it evolve like this?

The daring Xiao Yu, who was a master of art, glanced at Zhao Xin and smiled: "Are you scared?"

Zhao Xin's face was calm at this time, as if thoughtful.

Being so irritated by Xiao Yu, her face was still so indifferent to you, and immediately said, "Take care of you and say it yourself."

After all, she was the first to walk forward.

This surprised Xiao Yu, this woman is really stubborn!

In order not to lose face in front of Xiao Yu, she even ignored the danger, but Zhao Xin was also completely moved by the secret that Qiongqi had said.

Because that might be a great opportunity!

At this time, Qiongqi's voice came out again--

"I will not harm you. Those who are afraid of death can choose to leave."

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