Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2272: Higher planes and lower planes

Xiao Yu's eyes were surprised and more than believable, but he still wanted to listen to Qiongqi in silence.

Since Qiongqi was so familiar with these cultivators, and was so swearing, he was full of confidence, maybe it wasn't empty talk.

Because if Qiongqi had to rely on Xiao Yu's power to leave here, then naturally it was impossible for Xiao Yu to die.

If Xiao Yu died, wouldn't Qiongqi be in vain?

Therefore, if Qiongqi said so, it shows that there is any way.

"Then what do you mean?" Xiao Yu asked.

Qiongqi said indifferently: "My way is to help you improve your strength and also help me."

Xiao Yu looked at Qiongqi with some doubts.

His idea is very simple. Isn't he still clear about Qiongqi's current strength?

Even if you can't win, how can you help yourself improve?

Moreover, Qiongqi even gave the Tanquan here to himself, and it could still help him restore his life!

Does it have any more secret things that can help it improve its strength?

It can only be explained in this way.

Qiongqi's eyes were a little sullen, and said: "Boy, what can I say? Having lived for 100,000 years, do you think I will lie to you?"

Xiao Yu is not stupid, and he was fooled by Qiongqi after a few words. He said, "If you really have a way, then you won't be so oppressed by your bloodline and go backwards."

Qiongqi is fierce and furious, but it is undeniable that this is true.

And when he thought of relying on this kid, it endured the anger in its heart.

"I'm telling you this, your so-called good fortune realm is based on the nine-fold tempered physical body. This is only done by your lower planes. It is not called this way in the higher planes of humans." Qiongqi said.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a look of surprise, but then thought of his own cognition and Qiongqi's cognition, and then he was relieved.

"Boy, finally you know how barren your cognition is?" Qiongqi seemed to find a trace of pride, a proud look.

Xiao Yu shrugged and couldn't comment.

If you can know more things you haven't touched before, then naturally it is the best.

As for how Qiongqi views himself, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is how he views himself.

Seeing Xiao Yu's reaction, Qiongqi suddenly became a little angry, but he couldn't get angry again.

It found that the mentality of this young man was far better than it had imagined.

If it's an ordinary person, I'm afraid it is asking him with a look of desire and excitement.

But on the other hand, it also saw that this young man's xinxing was indeed the best choice, and considering the mysterious blood background, it also chose Xiao Yu.

Qiong Qi said: "I told you this, ordinary people of higher planes are not born very strong. But you also know that because of the power of the law of space, they were born in that place, even if they are a few years old. My child, when it comes to your plane, you will definitely be stronger than your strongest person. You have to be clear about this."

Xiao Yu nodded. Rhubarb mentioned this incident to him a little bit.

Higher planes and lower planes, because of the power of law, or some tens of thousands or even 100,000 years of blood, the higher planes are better than the lower planes even if they are a few years old cultivators. Be strong.

Therefore, Xiao Yu also considered a problem, that is, even if he could really go to a higher plane, then he started from scratch at that time, and this was what bothered him most.

Qiongqi suddenly laughed and said: "Boy, I'm very upset, right? No way, even if your so-called nine layers of good fortune are on a higher plane, you must start from scratch. But what I want to tell you is not from scratch. ."

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